This has to be the worst remix of Old Town Road I’ve seen.
This has to be the worst remix of Old Town Road I’ve seen.
Trump Tower, seems to be a fitting location.
No shit
Poor one armed Dolphin, will swim in circles for the rest of his career.
And the gaslighting continues!
I was suprised to hear that he was still on the air, his show was unlistenable at best for decades. Local sports talk radio in general is the worst.
Hey it could have been way worse. You know, filmed in portrait mode.
Jesse Eisenberg has the magical power to ruin every movie he is in.
My high school prom tuxedo from Sir Knight at the mall fit better than that.
Hope she doesn’t break her leg.
What’s up with the 5 lbs of socks he wears on both feet? Half the time they spill out of his shoes and cover the tops of his shoes and the tabs on the back
When I was a kid one of my favorite snack was peanut butter with mayo on Ritz crackers. My friends thought I was insane, but oh well.
When I was a grad student at UK (out of state student) I would purposely mispronounce city names in Kentucky just to piss off my friends. Louis Ville or Louiee Ville, Versailles (with a fake French accent) instead of Versailles, heavy on “sail” in the middle.
What kind of sociopath writes everything in Sharpie?