
@thinkthis: Nah, he's quite right. Any game where you need to flick your fingers over the screen, displaying what it is you're doing - and thereby obscuring what it is you're doing - is a huge fail, IMHO. Looks shiny, but that's all. And let's not kid ourselves that these kinds of games are intended for more than 5

Incredible it got greenlit. The last film was absolutely dreadful.

@Nigra: I'd guess simply so he had the maximum amount of time to steer to the target.

@avatar003: Cost probably comes into it too. I honestly dunno how much parachutes cost, but I'd guess the more elaborate the design, the more expensive it is. Probably, the old circular 'chutes are the cheapest and most reliable way to get someone (+ 100lbs of kit) down onto the ground as quickly and relatively

@avatar003: Had a friend in the UK Parachute Regiment. Apparently the old-style circular parachutes have a larger weight limit, so each jumper can carry more equipment - in addition to your own kit, you might be carry a few mortar shells, or a a few hundred MG rounds. The downside is reduced "steerability", but,

Probably extremely comfy to snooze on during those long training exercises, too.

@Clixx13: Possibly take them to court if they don't pay, but I generally agree - standing around watching their house burn to the ground must've really given those firemen the warm fuzzies.

@TheCrudMan: It wouldn't be a problem. The mineral oil is non-conductive, and there are numerous Youtube videos of exactly that. You only want the optical and hard drives left out because they have sensitive moving parts.

@Mailz: ....which, unless you believe this person has no other friends anywhere in the world, still doesn't really address the point I was making.

@Mailz: .....and ?

Although of course, it had to be posted somewhere hip 'n' unconventional like Helsinki. Could've easily been posted somewhere within the British Isles and still gotten his postage-stamps' worth....

"iCon" is absolutely right, I think.

My unflattering physique aside, I can't help but think it takes a lot less time just to put on a t-shirt or whatever instead.

I'd say because Android was/is very late to the party in most of Europe, and data charges are only now coming down from "extortionate" to "reasonably affordable. I'm probably going to get an Android handset in a couple of months as part of a new contract, but only because 1GB of data a month now only costs me an

@jinchoung: In Niven's novels, the ring's walls were bounded by 1600KM-high walls - which aren't in the animation. The walls were also speceports.

(i) I strongly doubt anything but the crudest of "expert systems" will be invented "this century". The only example of "I" we have is ourselves, and we're nowhere near an understanding of how the biological processes of the brain evoke conscious intelligent behaviour. Most of the armchair philosophising on the

@MrMcdoobie: I don't do drugs: I've never understood how it could be viewed as anything less than a tacit insult to your intelligence. I's predicated on the notion that just because there's a game that won't come out on hardware you already own, you should immediately just scoot out and drop 300-500 on a

Interesting comments. Why would any of you think exclusivity to any platform is a good thing in the first place ?

@mdo7: Well, except that ME1 is out on the PC, and therefore isn't an Xbox360 exclusive as that press release states.

@puzz: "The rules ARE in the DNA and the compiler IS in the DNA, too."