
Neither is the F-35 with that gun pod in the way. And in fact, I'd be surprised if the pod could be fitted to the VTOL variant; as I said above, the F-35's VTOL capabilities come from a second vertically-mounted engine right in the centre of the fuselage; you couldn't open the bay doors for the VTOL engine with the

Two points :

Those regions, however, would've encompassed significant numbers of the Scottish population (of which I'm one, and I don't sound American either). And the other languages similarly extend my point. They didn't speak English either, and they don't sound American in any way now or ever. Scotland is full of accents,

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's complete bollocks. E.g. the Welsh, Irish and Scottish didn't actually speak English at all for many centuries, so I'm unsure where this vaunted American accent could've come from in them. And none of those peoples sound natively American in the slightest when speaking English (Gaelic is

All pure conjecture and speculation from no evidence. I wish people would just stop trying to pretend that Prometheus is some astonishing piece of high art and apologising/speculating over it.

No; just rather tired of io9 hyping everything to the max (e.g. everything to do with the Green Lantern over the summer) - and jesus, all we're talking about is a rapid-cut 1 minute low-res trailer here. I also get tired of mindless fanboys speculating wildly out of their asses about plot details - which we'll

Seriously shit trailer though. Hope the film itself is considerably better. Also love how io9's special hype-machine arranged for special access to the worst quality version, too. Nothing I like more than jumpy-non-navigable-blur-o-vision.

@JellyFox: I think the officer also meant that if it had happened 1 or 2 minutes later, he'd have been on his train home and wouldn't have been there to help out. Someone else would've needed to step in.

Why not just buy a bike of some description ?

@JJV5819: No, he was just an alcoholic with highly competent staff. Remember, he's also the guy who came up with the idea of the Gallipoli campaign.

@Mark 2000: "Modern people may find those smells offensive, most likely because of a puritanical nature, and cover them with perfume. But out ancestors smelled sex. "

There's absolutely no doubt he'd survive, but frankly, if you shower without soap or shampoo, you will stink. Offensively. Deny it all you want, but you are That Guy. You smell, and other people think it's revolting. Water alone will take off surface dirt, but it doesn't do anything to the bacteria which causes

Video aside, there was some nifty flying in there too.

@AllOfUsAreLost.: I never claimed to be such. I'm merely pointing out that the film title is absurd, misleading, and as I said :- self-indulgent twaddle that might turn out to be *starting* in a few centuries. Go pick a world news channel (any one) to bring yourself back down to earth at some point today. The

Ah, the usual artsy-fartsy, self-indulgent twaddle. Since we're becoming godlike and capable of shaping the universe (let alone the planet), lets start with, ooooh, curing all known diseases, implementing immortality, solving world hunger & poverty, and inventing limitless, cheap, non-polluting energy. And this says

@Spunkie: I wouldn't want either of you to misunderstand my comment. I've taught hundreds of hours of undergraduate teaching modules at a well-respected university, and "reading the wikipedia page" + "asking a relevant question" would in no way get you decent grades. If you're ace-ing your classes with nothing but

@Mooncow27: I thought this was always pretty well-known if not suspected for a long time. Giant turtles, most sharks, alligators and crocodiles are essentially living dinosaurs themselves, and so well-adapted to their environments that in the last 180 million years or so, all that's changed in their bodies is their

@shhhGoToSleep: Orbital mirrors - it's always sunny somewhere in space.