
Hate breeds sickness.

Americans are weird about where they came from. My parents aren’t from this country, and I travel a lot. I’ve met many Americans who claim to be Irish, German, French, Swiss, etc., but never any “undesirable” countries. Then I’ll ask something about where because I visited X town or I’ll say something in that native

Yeah but it gets really really frustrating to be asked this over and over again. Especially when your answer isn’t always accepted. And its even more frustrating because its something you don’t see white people being asked.

Here is an image that is ideally suited to slowly scrolling down the screen. Starting from his head, at first I was like “well, sure” but then came the finale...

You’re actually very close on toxic masculinity but not for the reasons you think. The son is learning that you get physical affection as a reward for something as simple as sure you can use the iPad. I can only imagine what that turns into when you’re raised in that environment and you’re 19 and you did give the girl

If I were looking, I’d definitely prefer someone my age... but, with the same maturity deficiency I seem to have.

That’s pretty much what they said about Roseanne and, yet, here we are.

Kid Rock wanted to call his concert the “Greatest Show on Earth,” but it was, er, taken. [The Blast]

Does the entire world have amnesia? Do we all not remember what Vice was in the early days? Even for the nineties, the level of misogyny, homophobia, & just vile, puerile shittiness towards anyone not like them was insane. But, of course, always cloaked in a hip, ironic, wink wink, we don’t really mean it vibe.

What gets me about the wider Toby Young thing..... is yet again the way that these governments/influential groups react with surprised indignation to finding out awful people are awful, and do and say awful things.

Art is a worthy form of entertainment and always has been. Our sexist ass society has just conditioned all of us to think that art that is traditionally “feminine” (ie: makeup and beauty) is less than.

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

No one is saying it is the same.

We do! Whoever wrote that’s just oblivious. The large ones, the smaller ones, the ones in bags, and even the peanut-butter-esque version can be picked up in 2 different supermarkets within 5 minutes’ walking distance from my house. I call bullshit.

If you’ve lost a family member to police murder, you have my greatest sympathies. I’m a survivor of DV who knows exactly what the white power structure has done to our communities.

Please don’t take what I’m about to type as a defense of Louis CK, which it is not. This is more general.

I hope the Soderbergh movie is a biopic of one of the great ‘90s hardcore bands

The girl who nominated you is like the editor classmate in Romy and Michelle. That’s a cute story.


You so rock.