Any one have a video of the crash?
Any one have a video of the crash?
God, the whole idea of a shared Google account just gives me a headache. Seriously, just kill the account and start a new one.
So, did you happen to check with a garbage disposal manufacturer on these items? According to InSinkErator themselves chicken bones are just fine, as well as a few other things.
The ideal scenario is that you scrape most of the food into trash or compost, but the little bits that still find their way down the drain because you aren’t picking oatmeal out of the pot grain-by-grain can be disposed. Then you throw some ice-cubes down it and run the thing at least once a week to keep it moving.
Limes aren’t ok? Shoot, any citrus I’m cooking with generally gets its peels and whatever other bits stuffed down the disposal. It never seems to have any more issue with limes than with lemons.
I’ve always heard Lemons are a good thing to put down a disposal to clean it and make it smell fresh, is that still ok? (I know Limes are not because they’re tougher...)
I’ve got about a decade of daily french press grounds down the disposal that says they’re not plugging anything up. On the other hand, potato peelings are a big no-no.
You need a Passport to travel to the strange land where this car makes sense.
Couldn’t Fit any more puns in?
I hate that I love this.
They probably just wanted more room to have NSX in the back.
Surly there’s somone out there that could provide some Clarity.
I’m disappointed :-( Based on the title, I was hoping there was now a way to animate my desktop background / wallpaper!
Fair is fair. I appreciate the response.
Do you have to be a dick? Just tell him or don’t respond. While I am assuming they are the carbon flash, I can’t tell off the configurator the difference between the two and I am not colorblind.
Your not going to give @streetspeed717 the credit he deserves for putting his car up there? Maybe a link to his YouTube channel? That’s literally how he makes his money and sharing the car is what he does.
I’m wondering what the factory recommended break in period is, and if this car has surpassed it. If you were to rip a high RPM dyno pull within the break in period on some cars (Mitsubishi Evo) you’d be risking permanent ring damage.
German engineers doing something in the most convoluted way possible? I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!