I was gonna say they have an outfit for every occasion...
I was gonna say they have an outfit for every occasion...
Because of the loose connection to the other two acts and the use of the word Monkey in this clip, may I suggest:
Mozart's music is still widely listened to today, it's well over 200 years old. Weihenstephan Abbey has had a brewery since 1040, and I've had plenty of beers from them. And although I don't know anyone who has an original stage coach or buggy, I do know people who have reproductions that they use for show.
Your points…
Agreed. It really is just awful.
I could feel my blood pressure rising with every passing second. Vert-vid is bad. No, worse, it's evil.
It's amazing to me how many of these get tossed out as junk. The Model M and the Apple Extended Keyboard II always seem to pop up in places like Goodwill and Salvation Army. They may look old, but if they're in even decent condition, they're outstanding keyboards.
Yes, logos is the Greek word for word, and the English word logo is derived from it, but as with any word meanings shift and evolve with time, especially when that word is adopted into or inherited by another language. In English, a good definition of logo includes icons or symbols.
Well, it would require someone to have access to my phone, which I keep in my pocket when I'm at work (I don't know that I'd use this on my personal computer), or my password which is 24 random characters. That means that, most of the time, someone would need 1) access to my office, 2) access to my phone, 3) access to…
No. It's a background app. As long as you haven't gone days without using it, you should be fine.
I use a very long password. This keep the password so someone who try's to use my computer without my permission can't get in, but I don't have to type 24 characters in when I sit down at the desk.
I use a very long password. This keep the password so someone who try's to use my computer without my permission can't get in, but I don't have to type 24 characters in when I sit down at the desk.
Real classy.
Their Dark Lager is outstanding. Of course, my favorite beer isn't available in the area. McMenamins, a Northwest chain of restaurants, sells a Terminator Stout that is one of the smoothest and tasty beers I've had the pleasure of enjoying. It has a coffee/roasted nut flavor to it. Perfect for a fall evening... *sigh*.
Yes. That is a big ass-battery. That ass-battery is huge.
Yes. That is a big ass-battery. That ass-battery is huge.
Some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.
I'll be sending you my therapy bill.
"Search your feelings, you know it to be SOON," to bend a quote.
Well, this is science-FICTION. ;)
In a world free of Sith, healthcare reform is actually the most pressing issue. That, and functional healthcare reform websites.