Chris Devlin

I know Rotten Tomato scores are pretty much meaningless, but regardless, keep in mind that Jesse's review is one of the few negative ones. Most people have enjoyed it. What I'm saying is "Hey, give the movie a shot! You might like it! I know I did!"

Man, this flick worked for me on just about every level. To each his own I guess.

Saw the original cut at Cinefamily in Los Angeles last year. 'Twas truly a wondrous experience.

Between "Trust me. Juuuuuuuust trust me" and "That's right, I'm the Mayor!" Stella gets a lot of milage out of my girlfriend and me.

Has anyone pointed out the blatant "They Came Together" reference/call-back, ie: "It's the only logical explanation."

My God! First Aqua, and now this? It's as if AVClub is rifling through my pre-pubescent CD binder for material.

This was the second album my lil fifth grade self ever purchased (after Smash Mouth's Astro Lounge). Consequently, I got real excited seeing this.

The problem with your thesis is that "hipster" is such an ill defined, catchall term that none of the videos you posted have any relation to each other. How are the "DC Hipsters" anything like the dudebros in the Benny Hill video? What relevance does a bunch of High Schoolers performing American Pie (the play, not the

I've had friends who were on Divorce Court. They were never married. Nor had they ever dated. The show is fake. Why did anyone take this seriously?