
The thing is - he ran into a moving tail rotor. It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter how cautious and wary a person he was. He walked into his own demise. It’s a tragic incident and I don’t blame people for looking for...something. blame, anger, etc.

Rich people taking a chopper ride while in vacations ?

IMO,  Ford has done the retro thing to death with the Mustang, pretty much the same look since, what?  2005?

Good lord.

Missing from your calculations is that once the charge rate dips below 90kw, the cost changes, too.

Boomers love capitalism until they are up against it.


I just read that Porsche expects future profit margins of electric vehicles to increase. All the boomer memes in the world won’t stop companies from chasing profit margins.

Does the Kotaku office just have a “wheel of outrage” they spin in slow news days?

Every time a writer here types the word “orientalism” in article they should consider that fact 

They don’t. This is concern trolling at its finest.

What even is your point. Do you think other settings don’t have baggage? If this games setting was the U.S.. Would this game have to educate us on the Native American genocide and slavery? If it was set in Germany would the story have to be about the holocaust. Why do people pretend that the U.S and Europe are the

but not all depictions of non-white people have to automatically be political.

I liked when the kitty got a bag stuck on its head. 

I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.

I actually don’t think using a real life aesthetic makes you have “a responsibility to grapple with its history.” I see the rice hat idea is being a bit more questionable, but “they didn’t insert a painful history lesson about a real life community (that had nothing to do with the story of their game)“ is... a plus?

Yet this site name is Kotaku. If there is a sense of irony about “appropriation” being ignored here... *shrugged*

All due respect, Ex Machina does not deserve the shade you are throwing its way via that New Yorker article. Try this alternative:

I agree with the classic cyberpunk tropes and orientalism especially with the hats (“Get it? These are Asian robots...), but I’m not so sure the developers had an obligation to explain the history. Sounds like the choice for the location was very much inspired from the perspective of a cat. It’s also a fictional

All I heard was that you need pictures of cats near TV’s with Stray playing on them.