
Looks like their priorities are the retired, sick and unemployed.

What I’m seeing is people who are outraged by the fact that we spend all this money on wars that can’t be won, mean while our infrastructure and education systems continue to crumble.

Considering this bomb was manufactured in 2003, i’d say it’s been paid for a long time ago.

That’s probably way cheaper than the average cost to inflict a casualty on the enemy. I mean gear and training for one infantryman + getting them to the combat area and at least one round of ammo is way more than $4k. Good value here.

I know some guys that woulda done it for 500/per.

Not that I spend a lot of time thinking about these things, but Jordan might have the best royals.

Well, the King of Jordan actually flew a fighter & bombed them so hes committed

While it’s always important to know how much weapons systems cost, it’s frustrating when everyone talks about the cost when it’s used as if we are just now paying for it. Example: We just spent 16 million to drop a bomb!! No, actually that bomb was already paid for years ago and was part of the budget. If anything the

Shorter version: Buy United stock. It’ll go back up. There’s just not enough competition to have any real impact and the outrage will get refocused elsewhere soon enough, sadly.

All of you guys; turn in your cars. Other people have driven drunk and killed others with their vehicles. You could do the same, so just to be sure, turn in your cars. They’re not even mentioned in the Constitution, either, so there shouldn’t be any problem - besides, driving is a privilege, not a (Constitutional)

To all future murder-suicide types. Please start with the suicide, then when you are good and dead, try to kill someone. I PROMISE you won’t be able to tell the difference. 100% guarantee.

I had a friend some years ago in the late 90's who was a Marine Corps reservist. He said the motto of the USMC Reserves was “First to an Army garage sale”.

Chinook guy here. Yes, if she’s not leaking* she’s not flying.

I have no idea where I heard this joke, but it was about a soldier only wanting to fly on a Chinook if it had actively flowing leaks. He argued that if there were no leaks, it had run out of something and was too dangerous to fly in.

Yeah, one thing I’ve learned as I’ve grown older - you should go to funerals of people you know whenever it’s not a major inconvenience (though if they’re really close, then you go anyway). Their families really appreciate it. If you “don’t do” funerals, you need to get over yourself - nobody fucking likes them.

Bert and Ernie are muppets, not Muppets. Any puppet that came out of Jim Henson’s workshop is a muppet, but only those appearing on the Muppet Show are proper noun Muppets. It’s not a hard distinction, folks.

Getting drunk AT the sporting event? Who am I, Rockefeller?

Sounds very Monty Python to me.

I don't care if it was about to go into a bumble dryer. If I had my hands on a nuke, I would be FUCKING CAREFUL

At the same time, the US was thinking about using nukes to build harbours and blast tunnels with. It was a transitional time in regard to reason, hehe...