Chris Chedrawi

Look, I hated Iron Fist too, couldn't even finish it (not because of any white-washing, but the dialogue was just terrible) but jeeeez, AV Club do you have to shit on this show in every single paragraph?

From this episode forward the show becomes almost unwatchable. Truly a shame to waste so many amazing talents on this!

Agreed!! I even loved it more than The Good Place (and that one I loved a whole lot).

No love for Trial and Error??

I used to love 8 Simple Rules, both before and after Ritter died. It had a lot of heart. The only terrible thing about it is that it probably helped Kaley Cuoco get a part on The Big Bang Theory, where she basically plays the same ditzy blonde character.

I actually CHEERED when Debbie got voted out. I don't like Andrea but good God Debbie needed to get the hell out. She was fun the last time but I couldn't stand a single minute of her on my screen tonight. Man it was soooooo satisfying to hear her admit about the blindside.

I could watch Mathew Rhys and Keri Russell talk about Gabriel for an entire hour without getting bored.

Yeah I'm surprised/disappointed how little screentime she's received. I didn't even know her name until very recently :(

Yep, right after this episode ended I Google'd the last two seasons she was in, just so I could watch someday!

Exactly! I was so nervous when she put Michaela's name AND had Michaela put Zeke's name! But she proved that is an excellent, strong player. Seriously, no one else deserves this win more than her.

I've only been watching Survivor for 3 seasons, but man is Cirie the best or what? And the fact that she DIDN'T vote for Zeke proves she's a smart player too: you wanna keep a player who's proven to be a "mover" and can't be trusted. Excellent.

Great catch on Larry learning how to kill someone in prison being possible foreshadowing! I could definitely see season 2 (hopefully) having Larry return at some point and become the suspect again.

Literally the same happened to me. I read the book during my first year of high school, and while I enjoyed it, it didn't stick with me. I get the message the author was trying to get across, but it didn't work for me. I was unsatisfied by the end.

For once, I actually loved that CBS didn't promote this as the biggest shock in Survivor history, and Jeff was actually great in the way he handled it. It was a big deal for Zeke (and I guess Sara?) but the show didn't make it a BIGGER deal.

Agreed! I've never been this worried about a show getting the axe in a very long time!

I'm obsessed with this show now. The gimmick with the interviews and the characters talking to the camera sometimes is SO well done and never feels like an overplayed gimmick. The jokes are remarkably clever. The performances are outstanding. And honest to God, I am so intrigued with the murder mystery now, something

Wow episode 6 was such a mess but 5 was by far the BEST one yet. I was cracking up from start to finish. Good God, what an insanely lovable cast.

Exactly! I prefer the DC scenes. Or at least show us what Martha's been doing!

I actually thought this was an underwhelming episode. Maybe because the promos had me believe that Paige's subplot would take center stage when it was actually just in the third act.

Interesting. I don't think I can stomach another episode but I'm glad to hear Joy and Ward are included in the main storyline again at the end.