Chris Cardinal

This exactly. The whole "maybe Mallory can make money as Cheryl's manager, who wants to make it as a star" bit rings false when Cheryl is literally a billionaire. That's so disjointed that the suspension of disbelief bit really falls through.

Man, this was the perfect chance to at least throw a redeeming bone to us who have slogged through the awfulness of this season:
Let Travis shoot Batista in the fucking face. Kill him dead JUST AS QUINN pulls up. Quinn spirals down in a horrible way, fizzling out under the grief, as the entire department is thrown into

Pander. Lather, rinse, cash check, repeat. It's what brings us Two and a Half Men and Big Bang Theory. And 40 seasons of CSI.

This basically describes me. I've had it on in the background since the second episode and I didn't see it coming. I can't get over how bad this season is. I was hoping it'd be better than last but wow, it's just reached new lows.

I rewatched it a few times and didn't quite get that, but I'll check again.

I have been watching this season in passing, so I'm one of those that it didn't quite click that he was fake. Frankly, I've been annoyed by the pacing, Dexter's wanton sloppiness, and the general over-empowered approach he's taking. He's very cavalier when once he was careful, and it's driving me insane.
Moreover, I'm