Chris Canfield

It seems like there remains an opening in the market for a mature, adult-focused dedicated handheld system. The 3DS is an amazing system, but aimed younger. Phones are powerful, but are very focused on freemium style games. So there remains an opening. Vita has been struggling in no small part because the price of

I've always felt that if Molyneux were paired with a forceful, strong, and famous-enough-to-go-toe-to-toe engineer... say, John Carmack... his inherent creative impulses could be channeled into reality in a structured and highly productive way. That constraints breed the best designers, and the more successful the

For the past few phones I've taken a coat hanger, and bent it to have two hooks on top and a phone-sized hook at the bottom. It takes seconds to make, lasts basically until the next phone is available, and provides that "DIY Shiek" that only a bent coat hanger can embody.

Be aware that you could play MM in Day of the Tentacle only on the PC version: The Mac version of MM in DotT was always borked. It could very well be that they do something like that again, where the original MM shows up in the PC version of the game without any changes, but they don't put in the cost to get it

I have a Seasonal Affective Disorder light from Veriluxe on a power timer, and it works wonders for waking up. Same principle. Get your light on a timer, and magic happens.

I have a Seasonal Affective Disorder light from Veriluxe on a power timer, and it works wonders for waking up. Same

I've been using the Slim Clip wallet for about 10 years now... getting other wallets, but always coming back. It just holds a lot of stuff, tighly, with great consistency.…

The rubber strap-based wallets feel a little softer in your pocket, but the elastic breaks down too

Other places I've slept:

1. Rental Cars. If you have a rental car, you have a big metal protective shield.
2. 24 hour places with security cameras. The best are Hospitals and Airports, which never kick sleepers out. In a pinch, Bus / Train terminals will do, though they seem to kick out sleepers all the time. Just

Is there any plan to deal with the new player VS seasoned player skill gap? If it truly is a game of pure skill, any online play for new players will eventually degrade into stepping in and getting headshot repeatedly. How do they bring new players into a pure skill multiplayer experience, when farming new players

I always thought that controller would be better with an analog stick on the left, and their special trackpad on the right. You really only need one mouse input on most games, for analog looking. But for movement, you need to know your zero-center at all times. That's feedback a stick provides, and a touchpad does

He may be a great animator, but that doesn't mean he's a great musician. Or a great particle artist. Or a great realtime lighter, or a character rigger, etc. He's already brought in voice actors, another martial artist, etc. There are a lot of creative aspects to a film, and one person can't do them all.

As someone whose rear area is usually floor-to-ceiling boxes, I'd love this. Mount the camera on the roof for a little more rearward visibility, maybe add digital processing so that bright car lights at night don't blow out the entire view, and it could be great.

Put those and the side-view mirrors in the instrument

Build a children's playpark, a soccer field, and a Starbucks at the opening.

I really like the Sinclair ZX edition, as it seems aware of the sprite-based limitations of the system it is on. The rest are a simple color pulldown, but in a way that would A: never render on the related systems, and B: would never be done in that way on those systems. Minecraft, for example, could be fabulous on

If Nintendo wanted to get back out in front of their rivals, they'd create a legal pathway for Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros mods on consoles. The success of Project M proves there is a market, and right now the Wii-U could really use a hardcore engaged market.

To be fair, that writing *is* godawful. Someone more experienced specifically in voice acting could have pulled more out of it. But man those lines are just clunky from beginning to end.

Most games are being made to be compatible with Xbox 360 and Laptop level hardware. This means even entry level desktops are actually quite powerful enough at the moment to handle most games, while the games coming soon targeted at Xbox One and PS4 will require a bigger hardware bump. If you're upgrading for games,

It doesn't make sense to have Pixar make a big-budget huge release to promote a big-budget huge release. However, they do a lot of shorts to home their skills. Maybe they're making an opening short in the Star Wars universe?

The main advantage that consoles offer over PC's has been instant-on always available entertainment. As a huge PS3 fan in this past generation I now... have a full steam account, and a tablet that turns on immediately. A 13 GB install really kills any reason not to wait for a pc to reboot and load up a game.

If Nintendo is going to succeed in the future, future purchasers need to know the company stands behind it's work. That lack of confidence (due to Sega's diddling with CD/32x/Saturn) is really what sunk the Dreamcast. Nintendo needs to stand behind the Wii-U for as long as possible, to inspire confidence in their next

My guess is they're worried about the sanctity of the online multiplayer component, similar to Battlefield or another competitive FPS. Which is an interesting choice, as at heart Sim City appeals as a sandbox play set, not a competition. Increase the toys in the sandbox, increase the players. It's sad to see EA