I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.
I have some words of advice to give to the horse. In times like this, look to the words of the wise prophet Soulja Boy and “Superman that hoe”.
He fucking looks like someone that rides their bike through red lights at busy intersections.
Nolan Ryan and Randy Johnson weren’t human they were some kind of machines designed for pitching
Isaiah Thomas?
If Joel Embiid can ever stay on the court, he’s got a chance to claim that title belt.
Is it Blake Griffin?
Durant is guilty of the same thing as Dwight, he’s thirsty as hell. There’s nothing worse to the public than appearing to try too hard.
Liked by whom, the players or fans? I’m gonna guess the most liked by the players is someone like Leonard. By fans? It’s probably Porzingas at the moment.
Tim Duncan could come back right now and be at least a valuable seventh man for about 24 NBA teams, if not more.
Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.
So what you’re saying is that you didn’t routinely shit on the same person’s front porch every morning, and occasionally in a Walgreens (and one could assume not in their restroom) when you had to shit?
The article makes it pretty clear that there are restrooms pretty near to where she’s shitting, and in no event should this be a common occurrence. I used to run a pretty healthy amount, and despite digestive issues popping up on occasion, only once did I have an issue where I had trouble getting to a bathroom on…
son buenos perros, Breñt
*scrolls down*
The real reason KD went to the Warriors: He realized he’d made enough money in his career that he could almost afford to live in San Francisco comfortably
Spot the lie tho.