
Crew cab trucks are stupid! I can carry everything in my minivan!

When “most people” is only 80% and everyone in the country gets infected roughly at the same time, that’s catastrophically bad, which is the point of this exercise.

These saved my life in 1990. A drunk driver trying to make an offramp sent me into them at ~50mph in a flimsy Rabbit GTI. It was the ONE time in my life I was driving without a seatbelt. We were all seriously bruised up but fine.

All the Jalopniks will blame the Republicans for their laziness. 

So, was the Camaro an i-rock?

TBH, I have never wanted to punch somebody in the face more than that Audi commercial. I’ll let it go alright, with a Louisville Slugger.

Wow, Game of Thrones and Let it Go!

So what? He’s under zero obligation to donate. They now have $14.5 MILLION more to help with research.

I didn’t read the linked articles. I didn’t realize how locked down they were. Yeah - John Deere can go fuck themselves with that shit.

I think the problem isn’t just ‘needing a computer’. If I remember right, it’s like dealer only diagnostic tools with cars. It’s that it has to be a Deere authorized mechanic with a proprietary set of hardware that they won’t sell you, and you can’t just use any old laptop.

Yeah, here’s a quote from one of the earlier

I have to say, it is finally nice to see a full-sized truck used for something other than dragging one person around to get groceries or whatever.

Now playing

Everybody knows the correct vehicle for jumping is a Ford Raptor.

As a Jeep owner I support this!

RIP Nicky. Always enjoyed that guy’s enthusiasm and skill.

It’s a gem of a joke concept but I couldn’t execute it properly. NASCAR always turns left, but ups trucks, as a matter of company policy, don’t make left turns (make three right turns instead).

It’s a short easy way to say, I read and acknowledge your text. What nut thinks would see OK or K and think “how rude”?