Chris Bordeman

Yeah, I stopped watching The Mist after episode 4. In the movie there was a real threat, massive monsters if you went outside. I can't even figure out what the Mist is about in this series. The worst characters are the two leaders, the priest and the mall administrator. The priests' action are nonsensical, and the

OK Gal Gadot was amazing as Wonder Woman. And hot as fuck.

Uh, you gonna have a rebellion on your hands. And I will lead it. The Man of Steel ain't going anywhere.

Second? How can that be?

Schmidt had NO issues. Of course season 2 kind sucked, but season one was absolute comedy perfection!

No, Daredevil season 2 was ridiculously bad.

Season 2 just plain sucked. There, I said it.

Eh, the Dwight Schrute character in the British version was just uninteresting. Rainn Wilson just massively outshone him and made the U.S. series.

"who did not seem to be such a good guy"
Yeah, the same Ronald Reagan who, when asked late in life before the Alzheimer's took the rest of his mind, said his life's greatest accomplishment was saving several lives as a teenage lifeguard, and that if he could go back and do it all over again, he'd save more. The same

Definitely my favorite show of all time. Other shows like Seinfeld had more jokes packed in, but I came to love the characters of The Office (U.S.) more than all those other shows combined.