
I always misread flautist as flatuist, which by right should be a word for one who is flatulent. So a scatting flatuist is particularly unpleasant

Bloc Party were always just a few good lyrics away from being one of the best bands of the noughties

This comment neatly represents the Pitchfork review, just to save you reading it

This is poetry

"There has never been a better time to be an independent filmmaker"

As 'Income Disposal' is a pretty regular feature here, would it not be a good place for a regular comment-section-talkpiece? Like a show The AV Club no longer covers or a missed album or some other feature or something like that…

I hadn't heard of Charly Bliss yesterday, two reviews and a youtube video later and they're my favourite new band

I feel like I saw this article yesterday

I'm just here to comment as I expect a lot more people will drop onto this page once she becomes as well known as she deserves to be and I want some kind of written record to show I was here early.

Hey don't besmirch Travis, their back catalogue is surprisingly strong. Franz Ferdinand too, once you get past that none of their songs are quite as good as Take Me Out

Will there be a point where it's so uncool to like this film that it becomes cool again?

This review seems to agree with what many people seemed to be saying on Twitter. Personally I think it's just suffering from expectation - it is a show that has a reputation for being amazing when it is, and always has been, just very good

The motto of the millenial

A tip this Hallowe'en - don't go all in on David Pumpkins

I feel Tom Hanks is just gearing up to fill the 'Bill Murray hero' role when he sadly passes away

It's cool and everything, but what made him choose to do it without any clothes on?

I guess one becomes an adult when he sees a meme he finds no joy in.

Videohead killed the Radiohead star

This comment will probably get lost amongst the others but I want to state it for posterity: Radiohead are obviously headlining Glastonbury this year