Chris Baskind

The foreshadowing is pretty ham-fisted. Either they're headed for a big character cull, or they're trying to stoke up the drama for the merciful end of Season 6.

I wish they'd bring him into one of the movies. He's terrific.

How I wish this was Batman '66 reborn. They'll never reach the levels of camp plumbed by their TV forefathers. I did hear Adam West in Fake Bruce's "powerful knockout drug," though. That's how too-serious Batman '66 would have described what happened to his younger self. While he cluelessly ignores the obvious

Plot twist!

Are we supposed to be rooting for ANYONE at this point?

This episode had the light feel that made last season so much fun. Let's hope lessons were learned.

I'd like to see a Season 3 Sure, we could all call it a day right now and be satisfied with two seasons that largely lived up to its writers' ambitions. But we're a culture wrestling with the implications of our own technological ambitions, and a TV world suddenly faced with the most extreme possible version of this

Same Old Scene was their best, I think. As Roxy as Roxy gets.

OUaT has lost its way. The characters make the same mistakes over and over. Story arcs are largely Disney promotional campaigns, and now we have a second couple onscreen with a child magically their own age. The writers have run out of ideas and are repeating themselves.

Umm … That was actually pretty good. As in their best episode so far.

I'm taking about Viking raiders, not the Norse in general. Or, for that matter, the average Scandinavian settler. I'm well aware of their trading, metallurgy, and art. And they were substantially more democratic than portrayed in the series.

To me, the biggest downer of the episode was the departure of Linus Roache. He's made Ecbert my favorite overall character of the series — even more so than Ragnar the Anachronistic Atheist. I expected Helga's obsessive and irrational behavior the past few episodes was leading to disaster, so her death wasn't a

Hirst said somewhere we'll see Rollo again, and I'm assuming it's to recruit settlers for Normandy.

Actually, she deserved a better second half of the season. The child plot was just weird. I'm assuming Maude Hirst is tired of filming nonstop in bad Irish weather. ;-)

I thought the battle was fun — but also crap. Two huge formations of well-armed, well-trained troops just rush hell for leather into a vast individual melee. This is exactly what armies of the period tried to avoid.

It looks like you're right. In a Reddit AMA this afternoon, Hirst said we probably wouldn't be seeing France again — but we would see Rollo. He then went on to state what we already know about history: He'll be successful in attracting Viking kinfolk to what will become Normandy.

And they took East Anglia first, not Northumbria. But the show has to live within the confines of its season.

I'm chill. ;-)

I'm just taking it as an epic story, allowing Hirst and his team all the liberties they wish to take. In return, they must produce a good narrative. :-)

I think you're right and we actually needed a big time jump between Bjorn's departure and the invasion of England. It would have taken years to complete the Mediterranean trip and years to raise the army.