Chris Andexler

Thank you for your kind words. Custody battles are very complex, stressful and heartbreaking. Yes many things from the movie I could relate with and it changes you in so many ways. Have a good night.

So which is better the alcoholic or the drug dealer and drug abuser with a violent temper? She had the drug addict father who was violent with her. His home had a bit more stability in the end. Neither situation is great but at least she had stability with the grandfather which was all she ever knew.

The yes he is an alcoholic yet she too has baggage as she enables her kids to be Crack addicts and makes excuses for the actions of her adult kids rather than cutting them off and making them grow up, including the granddaughter's father. Both grandparents have money so money should not decide custody. The black

I didn't say you called racist nor did I say you claim to be a victim.

Nmiller I'm sorry. I'll get tired of hearing anyone claiming to be a victim when they are not or judging anything without doing a bit more research.

You must be black to judge the movie off the title. Ignorance makes judgement off reading a book by its cover.

Nightmane what you said made zero sense. I get tired of blacks making everything into a racial issue. This movie was not a black or a racial issued movie. It was about an issue that effected a child's best interest and her stability but just like any custody battle distracting issues are used to serve the needs of an

The movie has less to do with race and more to do with parental alienation. If you are a parent of parental alienation or family court judicial interference you would understand what I am about to say.