Chris Amaya

Should have been renamed to the Chevy Ironhide.

That's usually how it works isn't it?

Ironhide? I've wanted one of these so bad but there's no way I'd be able to afford the fuel for it. And after I stopped to think harder about this truck I realized that there's absolutely no reason for me to own one.....

Why everyone hate Tiny Tina? I thought she be awesome!

Halo First Strike and Halo 2 come to mind. First strike explained a lot that happened in between Halo 1 and 2. And yet when 2 came out, it's as if nothing in First Strike ever happened. I was really disappointed :(

How did the batteries not asplode?

So this isn't a way for the government to slowly kill off 95% of the world's population?

I think pulling the shuttle might have been the straw that broke the camel's back for this brave truck.

Spiffy indeed but where the hell is the nose?

I haz a sad boner.....


Nothing. I would do it for free. I would gladly endure the training it would take to get me into the shape I need to be in and alons-y my ass up there without hesitation.

Could anyone tell if he had the sonic boom cloud form around him? That would be badass.

Gives me hope lol

I will most certainly no-*trips, drops subject, and it shatters into bazajillion pieces of nothing* Oh...look at that... :P

I'm expecting a controversial and non sensical ending to ensue.

What about PC Racing Sims? I remember reading in article in Top Gear mag a year or so ago and they got a guy with the best time on a track in a PC racing sim. I forgot the name of the sim but he managed to get almost the exact time in real life. And it was his first time on the actual track.

All of a sudden....blackbird orgy....

Fuck that guy....seriously.....him and Yoichi Wada.....fuck them both....

When did they hire Pitbull?