Chris Abbey

At least their incarnation from the 1970s got to have key parties. Variety.

And Dr Doom. She is the last great character Ditko created.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Hate to be so pettty and picky, but it's VTR (video tape recording), not VCR (video cassette recorder). Probably only getting my hackles up because in 1981 my media teacher pounded it into all of us in his class.

As the telekinetic gorilla once said to the banana, "Peel before Grodd!!!"

She's part of "a" group, not "the" group. She joined a rape support group, which—I'd imagine—has similar anonymous aspects to it. It's likely why it was so important to her to find out what happened, and adds a selfish aspect to Sherlock keeping that to himself. He could, and should, have given her at least the

The science for once is actually spot-on, though not explained well. The plasticity of the brain means there are ways to bypass the damaged connections and get back to a place that is more or less equivalent to how the brain was before. Calling it a backup isn't quite right, more like a set of detours that get you

Most of this season has been about how stories affect us. This has been one of my 2 favorites of the season—unsurprisingly, given my thesis, the other was "Listen", an episode I count among the top 10 ever—and the first in which they directly tell us what the season arc is.

Hadn't thought of that, but I'm less inclined to go with that hypothesis… except that Abra was an enemy of Reverse Flash as well as Flash. Hmmm. There was a one-off I don't remember clearly who took over the mind of one of the rogues and tried to protect Barry from his future. All we can reasonably speculate now is

Have I gone in the wrong direction? I've been thinking H (G?) Wells is Rip Hunter. Two time-traveling super-villians would be too much, and Eddie is already there.

I know it's forbidden to say at the AV Club, but Dan Harmon is sometimes wrong. There are different levels of agency, and all can make interesting stories. If you have to go to the bomb and the bomb goes off or doesn't go off, your only agency is how you react before the timer hits 0:00. And we get a heck of a lot of

There's a bit piece in _Atlas Shrugged_ that seems to be a direct straw-man parody of "IaWL" I'm not going to dig out the brick and look it up again, as it tends to make both my eyes and my walls bleed. But (if I remember) it's during the early part of Dagny and her wet-dream-steel-guy's road trip.

People believe about others what they truly are in themselves. Basic. He is in it for the money, so people will snap at the money.

I think that's going to be the problem: getting anyone to watch it in
the first place. Can't get more than a, "Maybe I'll check it out," from
any of my crowd. I was ready to give this a pass until I read the
preview on A.V.Club.