Bellatrix looks pretty good.
Bellatrix looks pretty good.
Nazi Pope!
I see Vindicator way in the back.
I'm not saying the ACA is perfect; but why is it that when people want to hate on it, they vilify Obama instead of the insurance companies, their lobbyists and the corrupt politicians in their pockets that fought tooth and nail to gut as much of the law as they could? I don't understand this!?!
Mankiw is a tool who thinks that economic growth by pulling all your natural resources from the earth, regardless of their finite availability, is perfect and has no drawbacks whatsoever!
I don't care if she's "plus-size" or not; all I know is
This is true for many things, not just male feminist activism: if someone has to boast that they are a part of something, or believe in a particular thing, it is very likely to be hollow.
Fuck it, why not?
You forgot the #NotAllMen
Every day is Black Appreciation Day for Kim Kardashian.
I'll be honest, I didn't notice the melting shampoo bottles until I had read the article...five minutes after clicking on the link to this story.
You Don't Mess with the Zlatan.
I was wondering why the away crowd broke out into chanting Santi Cazorla's name so often, even before the first goal.
So, how is this different from "The Art of Manliness?"
When I first started having sex, I found that the condoms I was using pinched to the point where I would lose feeling. You know what I did? I didn't whine about having to use a condom; I got my ass to the store and bought a different kind of condom.
I don't know about the rest of you, but when starting out new cities in SimCity 2000, or SC3K, large portions of time were devoted to sitting there and not doing anything while I waited for the year to finish in order to collect taxes to build whatever large improvement my people were clamoring for. This game is no…
I'm from El Paso, TX, where 80% of the population is Hispanic. I couldn't tell you the number of times I went to some sort of social gathering where most of the white people congregated together, as if they needed to gather in numbers for protection.
People have a right to a modicum of privacy.