"300: Rise of I Just Don't Care!"
"300: Rise of I Just Don't Care!"
Like a Bosh!
Then how come we have so many people working on making better erections?
4% of men over 50 is roughly two million men. There are just over 100 million men in the United States over the age of 18. That means ED affects only 2% of all men 18 and over. Meanwhile, over one-and-a-half million people developed some type of cancer in 2012 alone. ED is not a big problem.
I will concede your point…
Bakana, meet DanceoftheDreamMan.
Many of the comments to my post site "quality of life," but when only 4% of men in their 50's, and 17% of men in their 60's; it's not like there's an ED Pandemic!
So, for the better part of the past forty years, doctors (men, I assume) have been working to understand erections, and how to treat the lack of such: meanwhile, we're no closer to curing cancer.
Done both: my cell phone to clean the skin oils from the screen; and the toilet...yeah, there was alcohol involved.
Second grade: a teacher came in to the class room in a bit of a rush and whispered the news to our teacher; she broke into tears and had to leave the room.
Funny; I always hoped that they would make a M:TG cartoon that would have the feel of the old D&D cartoon, but wouldn't necessarily have a central plot, just revolve around great stories about some of the cards, like Shivan Dragon or Prodigal Sorcerer. Of course, this is before I found out that most cartoons and…
All of these comments miss the point; Nintendo wasn't going for the Call of Duty-like players when they were conceiving the WiiU. Since the system is more user-friendly than either the PS4 or XBox One, Nintendo is trying to grab the new and casual gamers. After all, if a young child falls in love with the Zelda games,…
"If he didn't want HOF vote should have declined it, not give away to non-qualified voter."
I was writing an essay on time-travel being impossible, but then came across an article on Hugh Everett and his Many-Worlds theory which basically stated what I was writing about, so I abandoned it.
I would love it if he replaced Mike Wilbon on PTI.
If you need proof that crabs and spiders are related; HERE YA GO!
Pro: Passionate about football.
That's a different sort of face.
Time to pray to the television.