
Being from Texas, I have NEVER been a fan of Rick Perry; but he did make it mandatory for girls to receive this vaccine in Texas.

The day after the Zimmerman verdict, I had a Mexican-American friend, who is a prison guard at a maximum security prison in Texas, re-blog several posts on Facebook about white victims being killed by black "Thugs" with no media outcry similar to that which followed the Trayvon Martin killing. She tried telling me

No way! I'm hoping we come to our senses and instead pursue cheaper, quality strikers who aren't head-cases.

Sir Alex would have done it because he's...well, let's just say that I am not a fan of Sir Alex.

But they were cheap because they paid for a brand new stadium almost ten years ago (In England, they're smart enough not to throw tax dollars at multi-million dollar sports teams for new stadiums). They want to splurge now, as much as Arsenal does splurge, because they've freed themselves from the financial albatross

But they've been cheap for almost the past ten years because they built a huge new stadium which they had to pay for, something the article doesn't point out, and because in England they're smart enough not to throw tax dollars away for stadiums. They've only recently climbed from under the financial rubble of their

But they've been cheap for almost the past ten years because they built a huge new stadium which they had to pay for, something the article doesn't point out, and because in England they're smart enough not to throw tax dollars away for stadiums. They've only recently climbed from under the financial rubble of their

I would just like to say that I believe that Arsenal are on the right track with their strikers. On their current Asia tour, both Olivier Giroud and Lukas Podolski have shown that they are more comfortable with their teammates and the type of play that manager Arsene Wenger has them playing. Arsenal would be better

Tyler, Texas?!?!? That explains it all!!!!!

Europe may be going broke, have convoluted labor laws so it's tough for someone to find, or hold on to, a job, and have daily mass demonstrations protesting one thing or another; but the way some of our politicians talk, it makes me want to move over there in a hurry!

It is too much to ask; I heard yesterday on the radio that only 10% of Republicans in the House of Representatives are from non-white majority districts (about 23 of 234). :(

I remember sitting by that phone waiting for it to ring. Just that one phone line

Let's just call him Alex "Mush."

Must be no women on the grounds crew.

You can't undermine American culture because it doesn't exist (we just co-op from other cultures what we please), and you can't undermine American civilization because it's just a regional version of Western Civilization (not to be confused with Sid Meier's Civilization).

Be like Gordon Ramsey and take a sleeping bag with you when you go to a fleabag hotel.

You're from New New York?!?

I don't want to lead a woman, and I don't want her to lead me; can't we walk side-by-side?

The closest we may come to Argentina '78 is Russia '18; a regime doing as it pleases; including trumping up false charges on it's critics, brutally repressing dissent and invading the sovereign territory of other countries.

I think you miss the point.