Does that mean that food replicators, ala Star Trek, are still in play? That would solve world hunger.
Does that mean that food replicators, ala Star Trek, are still in play? That would solve world hunger.
This is a step in the right direction for better healthcare; but where is the tech to let doctors know what else a person ingests? A patient's diabetes medication will show that it is ineffective but won't show that it is because the person ingests too much fruit or starch. If we're going to invade people's privacy…
El Zoido! Muy Macho!
Personally, I dislike all the cutsie euphemisms that have emerged to describe a vagina, something we all know women have but can't have the sense to talk about like grown-ups. My least favorite has to be "va-jay-jay!" I would actually prefer a vulgarity to these silly words.
+Infinity! Well done!
Rape jokes are bad, but the vitriol directed towards Tosh, rightly so, is because he said that it would be hilarious if that woman was raped. If Tosh were funny, he would have turned that woman's comment into a joke, but all he did was prove he was an insensitive ass who isn't funny.
The problem wasn't Daniel Tosh's rape joke; it's the fact that Daniel Tosh isn't funny at all!
Never stopped to think that the brain uses so much energy; about 150 to 200 calories a day!
I'm a guy, and even I think this is Bulls&*t!
Unless I have a particular fondness for the civilization or the names of its cities, I always name my capital "Christopolis."
There are lots of points that I would like to gripe about in this article, but I'll concentrate on only one; your diet wrecks havoc on your body because you're eating things your ethnicity isn't used to eating! Before the last seventy years, we ate only what could be grown in our area. Now, we can eat açai and greek…
We are descended from chimps. Chimps congregate in groups. Groups of chimps will fight other groups of chimps just because they can.
The cysts form within your own cells, so it's very difficult for your immune system, let alone medication, to reach them.
Before this popped-up in Chuck Palahniuk's latest book, "Damned," I hadn't heard of it. I would like to think most kids are smart enough than to have other people, or themselves, choke them into hypoxia, but my best friend used to lie down in crosswalks when we were in high school.
Gaiman's stuff, although my attention span did allow me to get through The Sandman graphic novels.
Chemistry is fascinating as some of the most basic things we know about it were discovered nearly two millenia ago, before we had all this fancy-shmancy technology.
I'm not a replicant! I'm not a replicant!
But aren't we forgetting about "innocent until proven guilty?" Okay, he was arrested and charged because of DNA evidence; he isn't guilty yet. Let's wait until a jury of his peers sends him up the river before we say, "He seemed like such a nice guy."
What about "Carnivale?"
Yeah, that's what I found on Wikipedia, too!