
Oh, yeah, I am fully aware, and it’s led to this weird sense of entitlement. When my wife and I had to buy a new car at the beginning of this year, because I totalled my last one in about the most idiotic way possible, I was fortunate to have $10k between savings for a new car and insurance, since our old one was from

Unfortunately, it’s not just the price of EVs, it the price of vehicles as a whole.

Ya, basically we need the Corolla of EVs. Dammit batteries! Imagine $15K EVs with 500 miles of range?

Nope. It’s not a singular garage unit, but a regular style parking garage. I imagine they’ll upgrade and add some at some point, but right now there’s just no options for it. There’s a supercharger not too far away, but half the convenience is being able to largely eliminate refueling stops. I figure though that by

That said, it should be pointed out that towing an F-150 driving the other way is more impressive than just simply towing an F-150 - like wtf is erik talking about right now.

Neutral: The minute I can switch I’m gonna. There’s nothing I enjoy less than pulling into a reeking stretch of concrete to handle toxic, flammable liquids in order to pay a large corporation to help destroy the environment.

I am so exhausted by the Kardashian’s. There is nothing original, nothing stylish about them. They take designer clothes (and I do not count Kanye’s prison line as designer clothes) and make them slutty. That’s it.

So the person who told Andrew to do the interview got fired for that encouragement.

That the business should just factor in the cost of employees into the cost of the products they are selling.

Over the course of my career, I have always made a habit of leaving a much bigger than average tip when paying for a corporate event. Not because the service was exceptional, or because of the difficulty of the task. I regularly over-tip at corporate events because it’s not my money, and if my employer won’t give it

Based on my observation and experience, take-out food is placed in a box rather than on a plate by the kitchen staff (not really much more work, if any) and the boxes are bagged by FOH staff (either servers or cashier) - which is a one-time effort as opposed to repeated visits to a sit-down table.

Was on a good track. But guess who got in office.

Man, I feel like Jackson is so explicitly evil that we just need to fast track the whole thing. Harriet or no, this shit has got to go.

Money is not evil. Capitalism isn’t even inherently evil. It’s the people who corrupted the damn system and a created one that would consistently hurt and destroy black and brown people. Also misandry ain’t really a thing. Especially not when black men still consistently shit on black women to elevate white or nb

I haven’t seen the film so I can’t comment on the plot or characters. I am a little skeptical of your analysis. Too many insecure men out here seeing anything that raises up or recognizes a woman, as ‘anti man’. I’m saying calm the Hell down people.  Also, I have to disagree with the notion that adding Tubman’s image

Judge Joe Brown claims to be a proud, unrepentant man, and yet is too afraid to say “pussies” online.  What a pussy.

He needs to sit his two-dollar ass down and stay down.

Helluva performance from Jean Smart. Obviously, the thermos-sized blue sex toy is the best spot of comedy.

I agree. I don’t think it’s that simple. He seems like he truly loved the Abar family. My thought: he was indoctrinated and ready to kill right up until he had his gun pointed at Angela’s head, which is when he realized he couldn’t go through with it. I’m 99% sure that Judd was the guy who shot Angela.

My dad taught me how to change a tire, jump start a car, wash a vehicle the correct way (hint: it doesn't involve an automatic car wash!) and pump gas before I was even a teenager. He reasoned that I should be able to do it well before I was old enough to drive as I might need to help my mum at some point in the