Especially because there is no pvp, so what is holding them back from making just insane guns that break the game for their players' enjoyment?
Especially because there is no pvp, so what is holding them back from making just insane guns that break the game for their players' enjoyment?
I’m really enjoying the game for what it is, a loot shooter. For me a good loot shooter needs really great feeling combat (flying around this gorgeous world always feels good) and the ability to create diverse builds that allow you to approach old challenges from new angles. I think the build diversity is pretty good,…
No, you can return there during the epilogue, which is itself a whole thing that could almost pass for a second game.
I was in a really good group in the dz last night where we were competent enough to confidently chase after a group of rogues in “manhunt” status. It was probably one of my top three experiences so far.