
I’m sorry, but you are still missing the plot. People DO want transit. But they want fast, efficient transit. People have busy lives. They simply can’t sacrifice time for transit. They have to get to work on time. They have to get some sleep. They have to get their kids to school or daycare. They have to pick them up

The reason more people don’t use public transit is relatively simple: it isn’t convenient. In your case, while those 20k people may work in the same location, I bet they come from many locations, only a few of which are adequately served by public transit.

“I just talked to my boss... Well, he’s never done this before folks. But seeing as it’s special circumstances and all, he says I can throw in a 12-pack of toilet paper.”

You see, Jalopnik did a site-wide audit, and your name came up as one that did not originally pay to be out of the greys . . .

I liked Tesla, but this whole situation has soured Tesla for me... I have no respect for a company that does shit like this. Seems to me that this is something the DOT should be getting involved in.

Also: I’ve literally been reading this website for many years now, and somehow, for some reason, someone put me back into

Yeah, but now is definitely not the time to be talking about public transport to the normies though. Now is the time to be talking about the new green deal’s farming and open air, non getting jammed into a stranger’s sweaty armpit on a shared germmobile, options. Play to the audience you got, not the audience you wish

“Let’s apply your same logic to the arena employees currently out of work. If Joe Arenaworker says he needs 5-10K to stay afloat while he’s out of work, do I get to scrutinize his last DECADE of spending and tell him to kick rocks if he has spent 5-10K on discretionary items over the last ten years?”

Apple has billions of cash in reserves. Most massive business do as well. Spending 96 percent of your free cash over the last decade is horribly irresponsible for a business when it leaves nothing in reserves. You really dont understand finances at all

There is no ethics in stock buybacks. Both my parents and my in-laws were both executives at different publicly traded companies. They saw the leadership do this repeatedly to increase the stock value due to their bonuses being tied to increases in stock value. This is all about short term gain for few.

This is the good take. They have made mucho profits from lowering the service. We shouldn’t reward that.

This is where a sane system would require some sort of statutory reserve plan in exchange for the bailout. 

Neutral: On the one hand, air travel is usually vital to national infrastructure, and American airlines have competed with airlines propped up by the states they service for way too long. On the other hand, if you mismanage yourself this hard, the idea of capitalism is that you fail and anything that still works is

we’ve already bailed them out with crushed flights, baggage fees, $12 dollar shitty snacks and ridiculous fares. Having flown Ryan in Europe I feel extremely cheated by our domestic airlines, it’s a cattle car both ways but at least on Ryan I’m paying steerage prices for steerage class, Bailouts my ass. 

Gee, I wonder who is better situated to ride out a few months of a reduction in income; a multi-billion dollar corporation with access to 0% interest rates from the fed, or a guy making union scale? 

Nasty. Nasty, nasty question. You’re a nasty person asking nasty questions. Remember when I fixed the economy and made Apple move iPhone manufacturing to America? I’ve also put Mike Pence in charge of keeping us all safe. Overall I’m doing fantastic with macarenavirus. Kristen Lee, she’s just not nice.


LOL, wut?

Rolling coal is dumb, obnoxious and hazardous in many many ways. I’m glad they got fined. I don’t understand why the “thin blue line” decal mention was necessary. You could’ve just said MAGA sticker or confederate flag sticker. The picture you’re painting would’ve come through just as well without revealing your bias

You don’t find it the least bit ironic that they “RESPECT THE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS” but don’t respect the laws they are sworn to uphold?

They were deleting diesel particulate filters and egrs, and DOCs.