
Good for her. Remember, if you see her; no you didn’t.

whose impact is still felt today, and something the crown has never formally apologized for. The Queen played a hand in the formation of residential schools in her lifetime in Canada, until the 90s. I call bullshit on anyone pretending they suddenly have issues with Viola Davis’ character, while never giving a fuck

This guy is just an early Christmas gift for the Democrats.

“Even the ones that said he was ‘creepy’ laughed, because they were obviously not trying to tick him off or anything. So they’re just fake laughing, awkwardly laughing.”

These women are still on the hook to the county for the costs associated with their jail stay too, are they not?

If your shit is in a public place and in my way, I’m going to move it. If you tell me you haven’t moved other people’s stuff out of your way in a public place at least once, I’m going to call you a fucking liar.

How about that?

All the butt-hurt racist asshats trying to make the excuse that you don’t touch someone else bike are making a lame-ass argument.

You’re a racist troll. So your opinion is worthless on any matter.

Officers are too quick to label Black and brown boys as threats or criminals before thoroughly assessing the situation.

You stopped working on your big-breasted vampire dragon cannibal screenplay?

I don’t believe in the death penalty, but life in prison sounds like it would be perfect for these chuckle fucks. 

The corrupt Aurora Police seem like a perfect unit to defund. Same with the seditious Secret Service by the way.

Now show all the kids who have transitioned successfully and happily and will testify that it literally saved their lives. (I can think of two I know personally right off the top of my head). 

Hey, I’ll take it. It’ll gum up the works for awhile if nothing else.

This is why we need to do more than “just vote” and not bitch. Democrat politicians finally wake up and see that just being not-Republican is not enough, and they start doing their jobs. Admittedly, still the bare minimum; but even the bare minimum is still a huge step up. Lets keep up the pressure, we all rise or

When we say “systemic racism” this is the kind of thing we mean.

Princess Sparkle Pony, really? It’s not going to happen, but she’s right. Someone needs to be saying it.

The left needs to do two things:

The reporter for KVUE said that the transcripts of the bodycam footage he has seen is full of officers asking when they are going in, why aren’t they going in and asking to go in.