You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes? Jesus. Why do you hate Jesus?
You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes? Jesus. Why do you hate Jesus?
No, it serves the people. You’re confusing the word ‘serve’ and the word ‘elected’. Most public servants aren’t elected, but they serve the needs of The People. Your Civics courses served you poorly because it forgot to teach you philosophy at the same time. There is no “law” absent people. It isn’t a separate thing…
It’s past time the Supreme Court operate out in the open. They’re paid by the People for the People. The People deserve to know how things operate for any matters not deemed protected by national security. Full stop. That’s just too damn bad if that makes life uncomfortable for the SC Justices. They are welcome to…
“Yes the police definitely didn’t handle this situation well, but if they weren’t there at all, how would this have ended?”
I would love, just once, when these abjectly stupid arguments are presented, for a journalist or judge or whoever to just take a moment of silence, take a deep breath, and ask the person, “Do you think I’m stupid?”
“He said ‘You accepted something and you don’t know what it is?’ Jenkins said, and the deputy was told again it was a gift to be opened later.
Not only are pigs stupid and cruel, they are just bad at their jobs and readily lie to cover up how stupid, cruel and incompetent they are.
See also “as people (who will never need or want an abortion) are about abortion”.
The number of people in the American prison system for nonviolent, low-level drug offenses is estimated somewhere between 20,000-150,000+ depending on your data and definition, a criminal record that can make it difficult to find employment, housing, and just generally live a normal life on top of, you know, being in…
Sad, angry, and stupid. -Conservative Base
These guys are getting pumped while SCOTUS keeps loosening gun regulations.
He was just a sad angry dude.
all of this! If you support a woman’s right to choose, fucking vote!
Because I believe...
I do like a story with a happy ending.
Apropos of nothing, the representative who brandished a pistol and cane to prevent anyone from aiding Senator Sumner while he was beat nearly to death in that chamber, Laurence Massillon Keitt attempted to choke Representative Galusha Grow on the floor of the House two years later. He went on to die of a gunshot…
Lee Child said that. I paraphrase, but he said that Reacher’s size makes him unstoppable, and Cruise has that unstoppability factor but in a different way.
“I want an apple pie but NO APPLES!!!”
So to get this straight, he had asked for a “peanut power plus” smoothie without nuts, for a child with a severe life threatening peanut allergy? First off, call Child Protective Services because this doofus is a danger to his kid. Second, can he be that stupid to not understand what a ‘peanut power plus’ smoothie…