
“...but a handgun was found in the area where she was shot.

Ted Cruz, one of three Republican senators who vowed to filibuster gun control legislation after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting left 26 dead, now says he’s “fervently” praying for the families...”

It has a new name: The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC)

This guy makes a good case for retroactive abortion.

Looks like Larry Niven was wrong about the galactic core exploding.

It’s a typical cop trick-make a bullshit accusation to get you on the defensive, then continue to fuck with you.

How do you think immigrant parents felt when their kids were taken away and put in cages?

You seem very defensive. Almost like you have a guilty conscience.

So, they’re not teaching CRT but also NOT not teaching it? That IS pretty diabolical. Fiends!

Great point(s)!

Wow, begging for money to file lawsuits? He may face a few lawsuits from relatives of the people he killed, since the burden of proof is lower in civil suits.

I don’t know-I’d be happy to jerk off some conservatives, metaphorically.

12%? You’re being generous.

Only a misdemeanor? WTF?

“That’s a fact.” -Kurt Russel, Tombstone

So, time for that “size doesn’t matter” talk.

Well, some of his best friends are black.

He apologized because there were witnesses.

So, state reps are telling kids what makes them uncomfortable? Jesus H. Christ.