Chris Tomalty

People are excited about this... and yet it is still less powerful by far than GDM or KDM for Linux. Let's you realize how locked down Windows is and how used to it people have become.

What about Canonical's built-in store functionalities to Ubuntu? Along with having over 20,000 pieces of free software you can buy proprietary Ubuntu software from Canonical as well in Synaptic.

VOTE: Adobe Premier

@_method: Or you can not hack your iPhones and enjoy the support that Mac and Windows have been given and Linux deprived of.

Anyone have a link that's viewable in Canada? Comedy Central is broadcasting a week behind...

@OulaMan: Go to ComedyCentral's website ;)

@24fc: Erm, Linux adoption doubled in the last 18 months and Ubuntu beats Windows and Mac on every benchmark, including the famed Grandmother Test (proving that it is, indeed, the more natural interface and the reason the others are around is because they have been ubiquitous).

I like Google. They provide me with great services and I have never handed them as much as a penny. They also actively support Linux with almost all their products, which is a plus.

I just walk into a hospital, flash my Ontario Health Card, and get treated.

@Jash Sayani: Well, Google said by halfway through the year, so this is progress.

@Maksimir: IIRC, the newest Evolution has support as part of the Novell-Microsoft soul-selling deal.

@send9: Flash in Linux works fine. Occasionally you need to install libflashsupport for sound but other than that...

I wish I had my own house to do this stuff in :)

I work at a computer shop building computers from scratch. We have all the parts, but that's about it.

@Fierock: Bah. I use PCF and because I'm a minor they hold everything I deposit from anywhere from 7-10 days. And they always give me a different answer as to which it is.

@jarmod: Linux is no longer a hobbyist OS. X is now high-performance, Standards-Compliant, stable window system much superiour to Explorer.

I use this incessantly, and have since the first public testing release. I don't know what I'd do without the translate, twitter, and tinyurl commands.

This is great! I keep /home in a separate partition, so this would allow me to roll out a complete reinstall almost instantly! Awesomeness.

Eagerly awaiting this for Linux :)

1. The slowing down of Windows as it ages. Drives me INSANE!