Chris Tomalty

That would be the House of Terror in Budapest. It was, however, the Hungarian secret service HQ until the fall of the Iron Curtain, when it was turned in to a museum.

Reason I love Linux = easiest to customize well.

Just a correction from a former employee of Best Buy Canada - as far as I know the terms are very similar between the USA and Canada, and at Best Buy Canada we covered the purchase price including tax at the time of purchase. I sold cameras and the PSP was excellent for so many people (honestly - when people come and

Well you are fairly self absorbed - you're comparing the prices directly and forgetting that we don't get any delivery and are missing a huge section of content - various publishers still aren't on board.

This is why companies need to bring back the good "edutainment" (not some of the condescending junk they put out now) games - like Carmen Sandiego. Honestly that game/show inspired my love of geography and history when I was little. What am I doing now? Studying public affairs and policy with a desire to go into

The whole smiling thing is huge. I was travelling with my aunt in China. We had brought an empty suitcase each (not just because it was cheap but because we lived in northern Africa where it was hard to get many things at a sane price... like cookie dough). We filled them to the brim (cookie dough, cheese, clothes,

I'm assuming that's 25GB. I'm sure that's been said...

Android certainly. I fell bad about my iPod Touch now, but there's no similar PMP running Android. I don't like Apple very much at all.

@lifefollowsmypen: I sell cameras. You're one of *those* people. Good brand choice though; personally agree.

Sacrilege. Ubuntu looks insanely awesome right now (especially with the modifications to the main theme coming in Maverick). This is uglification.

@olternaut: I think that would be so if he were older, but I think that the age is key here: He's younger than I am (*ahem*) and running a very very successful business that I imagine many local merchants would love to have. He obviously struck upon something and is able to serve parts of the market he sees lying

This guy just might be a genius. Hats off to you.

@Lazzzara: It's also out in Canada, and selling decently. I have a friend who loves it to death.

Question for the masses: What's the performance hit on a computer (laptop, Ubuntu 10.04 x64, running a C2Duo with 4 GB of RAM) if the entire HD were to be encrypted?

We've had, which is a great alternative which unfortunately doesn't do streaming. I'll take the free trial when it's available and see if it's faster than Zip.

I found this incredibly interesting and am glad that you have stood by all your comments :)

This almost makes me feel embarrassed to be Christian.

@xsbs: What I meant was having Sony cameras shoot Sony ads. I guess I was lacking in clarification.

Idea: companies should take their advertisement pictures with the camera they advertise.

Not News! This is a re-branded version of the Kobo Desktop (and all the mobile apps) for the American market. Kobo is owned by Canadian book giant Chapters-Indigo, and it also supplies Borders` e-reader.