Chris Tomalty

When is this for Linux?

@AnthonyOK: No debate here. First thing I thought.

@FunkyMonkey: Well there goes my "I survived the first half of the 11th Grade" schtick.

I'm going to be really original...

I KNOW I'm going to get a white Christmas. Canada's getting a Coast-to-Coast-to-Coast white Christmas - first in 37 years (not that the North Coast is that hard... but the West and Vancouver Island has held out on the rest of the country...)

Siteground. It even has really good wizards for all the stuff you say you need and more (Joomla was easy-peasy)

@Lube007: Yes (you have to be there to get it). The telcom itself is very much not caring about your business (this was, I think, Megabyte through TunisieTelecom, the monopoly). They never told us when we needed to send them papers and tied us up in bureaucracy. They'd say we need a certain form but to get that

I lived in Tunisia (North Africa) for a year and if it's one thing I learned it's how to blend. I am really, really white and anglophone Canadian, but by the time I left people thought I was a French Tunisian.

Well, mine is somewhat a rippoff of this running the same wallpaper, AWN, and conky...

Of course, if you live in Canada just put it on your Universal Health Card.

GNOME babey!

I'm not impressed. Microsoft will insist I shell out several hundred dollars to get a relatively feature-bare OS. There's very little of this that Ubuntu doesn't do already either by default or with very little tweaking. Jaunty will be released first and promises to revolutionize boot speed.

I love Chrome. Only thing is, I can only use it on my Windows machine.

I highly doubt that Microsoft will be able to pull this off without some serious problems ala Metacity's compositing in Ubuntu (which relied on taking a picture of the background and setting that as the 'transparent' background).

CanadaPost: Expect 2-3 months for "Expedited" delivery anywhere outside your postal code.

My vote: Stephen Harper.

I don't think it's a rip off of dock... it looks like KDE4's Launcher.

I definitely would. My school allows netbooks in class (mostly because the school has blocked all internet connections except their own encrypted one) and I would find it a killer productivity tool.