Sounds like you might be better off playing Jesus’ partner, BMX Bandit.
Sounds like you might be better off playing Jesus’ partner, BMX Bandit.
Or... You could just let people enjoy things. Sounds like you're the boorish douchebag who lords their opinion on everyone else.
Wow such a rebel. I’m truly impressed. You really hate companies, random internet user and Kotaku commenter. I’m sure you don’t even pay for your internet service! And you don’t even use large websites! So badass. Awesome attitude. 10/10
3-9 is more likely.
They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”
It’s that whole fucking offense revolves around iso with Harden or a 4 on 4 play with Harden standing out of the play with his hands on his hips like Forrest Gump.
Not with that attitude you can’t. I mean, have you even seen Michael Jackson’s Black or White video?
At least for some of us, the joy and beauty of watching sports is the constant chance, however small, that we’ll get to witness something ethereal and magical. That’s why Steph, and the pre-KD warriors, were such a joy. The ball is moving constantly...Steph is moving constantly....and at any moment he can pull up from…
I don’t care how many shots he hits or total points he scores- watching James Harden play basketball just sucks.
I’m a lifelong Knicks fan so take my basketball knowledge and taste with whatever grain you choose but I personally feel that Steph Curry is the most entertaining player in the league to watch while James Harden is without a doubt the least. The Warriors will be better then people think this season for the very…
Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.
Intercessions are absolutely a key to this matchup. Whoever wins the turnover battle, wins the game.
It’s Boston. They were already going to piss in their cup and throw it at the ref anyway
As a 6'7 man, I suggest we burn them all at the stake, then parade their charred corpses infront of the younger generation to ensure the message is received.
Aspire to be Dino.
That dude in the tweet isn't wrong. You ever wanna ID a cop just see how they react to a young, black, male shooting.
But Wildlands wasn't racist, as you've so belligerently tried to state in the past. The villains are exaggerated, but I've never thought that you could label something 'racist' simply because that's the particular ethnicity of the antagonist. Playing through Wildlands when it came out, I never once saw any sort of…
In America, what’s happening in Hong Kong is about an erosion of civil liberties, like free speech.
Ghost Recon Wildlands was set in Bolivia, not Mexico, and its villains were exaggerated, action movie like caricatures of narco cartels and drug dealing paramilitary forces, which have long been in bed with Bolivia’s government.
The fuck is up with that headline?