
It’s a tracksuit so the answer is always yes

I want to know why they went with sucker punching the trainer, when just offering him a glass of tap water would have sufficed.

The Eighties gave us Jack Nicholson.

Fleck is eventually called up to Murray’s show after his nervous laughter-riddled set goes the 1970s version of viral, which was when your uncle mailed you a VHS tape and you made copies and mailed it to your friends

If memory serves, it was the shooter himself who claimed to be “inspired” by the Joker, mainly as a smarmy legal strategy; hoping that a careless jury and/or media would blame the source material for his brutal crime. Luckily, the tactic didn’t save his sorry ass, but some lazy people still play along whenever the

The shooter had his hair dyed bright orange and thats it. Last time I checked Joker had green hair.

“...including the one that donned the costume of The Joker himself before opening fire on an Aurora auditorium:”

The director is a Scorsese fan, but not as good as Scorsese? Mind. Blown. I’m sure we’re all terribly impressed that a film critic is familiar with the films of perhaps the greatest director of all time, but a review of this film would have been nice. This reads like you’re trying to impress a girl at a bar. 

tired of these good ass directors making their stupid great movies

I thought DDL was the highlight...

I agree, if the movie was good then Day-Lewis’ scenery-chewing would have been a detriment. As it stands, he becomes a cyclone of watchability and everything is pulled closer and closer into his orbit. He’s like the platonic ideal of Poochie: Whenever he’s not on camera, we truly are asking ourselves “Where’s Poochie

Diaz is unrelentingly terrible in a role that is entirely superfluous to the story, and Leo’s accent was so bad, they literally had to include a line explaining it. But I gotta disagree with that last bit, that Daniel Day-Lewis going spectacularly over-the-top was in any way a detriment. Outside of the opening

But no film since Jackie Brown has made better and more pointed use of his detachment, his weariness, and—most relevantly—his advancing years.

Hope I’m wrong, I like Scorsese. But this is a rather tiresome trend among these older male auteurs.”

Maybe, but this review made it seem like a much more critical look at this type of movie and the type of people involved, without the glorification that Tarantino seems incapable of fully subverting in OUATIH. Unforgiven is the touchstone Dowd gives in the review and that’s not a super self-aggrandizing work, even for

Film Twitter and other hot take decathlons seem to be really slipping as far as the breath of Scorsese’s oeuvre and contributions to film culture as an archivist and workhorse. So much world cinema have been restored and given their due thanks to Martin and yet to some he’s just the Taxi Driver guy for bro-niphiles.

“The Last Of Us Part II Will Not Include A Multiplayer Mode”

I’m still laughing at the Kars4Kids jingle being the official song of the bad place.

Fun reminder, Tomsula had a better record with the Niners than Chip Kelly.