lol that scene RULED
lol that scene RULED
what’s the headline talking about, “fan service?” Trailer looks like boilerplate Alien stuff, not much winking or falling over itself to appease anyone.
And Andor!
my current Star Wars hot take (esp after watching the prequels) is there’s too much exposure to the Jedi. They’re overpowered, and too self-serious. It’s like reading Lord of the Rings, finding Gandalf to be awesome (correctly), and then making all subsequent Middle Earth media about groups, councils, cities of…
I love the double-whammy of “I’m scared this presages a technocratic dystopia!” and “I haven’t gone out in a decade!”
lol people have been saying “we’re next!” about celebrities getting blasted on social media for 15 years.
This is interesting to me; I read this part:
I’m mainly aware via podcast ads and some pasted posters in my town, but they’re kinda Criterion Channel adjacent. They mostly stream arthouse movies, and I think the main hook is they add one thing each day and remove another, so the idea is since the selection’s limited they can license more interesting stuff.…
It doesn’t even seem like a trend; fluff documentaries have been around since...documentaries. Behind the Music was rarely revelatory so much as a quick-bite collection of known facts signed off upon by the (surviving) band members.
Scott Walker is da best (we wouldn’t have Blackstar and a lot of later Bowie without his influence), but also underlines how ethereal the concept of “relevance” is, in general and in the context of this thread (let’s be real: most passive/casual music fans aren’t aware of him). While the progenitors of hip-hop from…
it’s hard to discuss tradition when talking about rap and electronica; much of what you’re describing can be attributed to rap being a relatively nascent art form.
Speaking frankly, I struggle to name an artist who has remained relevant and prolific into old age; Zevon was a cult figure and was in his mid-50s when he passed, and Bowie’s career was in the wilderness from the mid-80s to when he soft-retired in the mid-00s (don’t get me wrong; Blackstar is a monolith). Offhand I…
this guy ain’t been relevant since John Kerry reported for duty at the DNC
he still holds a lot of cachet with creaky edgelords who conflate speed with skill when it comes to rap
golly I hated those interstitials; they made an already-bloated album drag and the folks in them would be better served getting to do a duet or even simply backing vocals.
Per the Guardian article he’s requesting compensatory damages and legal fees in addition to the ticket price. I couldn’t find the amount of the damages but I think he is trying to milk this beyond “I didn’t get what I paid for and want a refund.”
I got into a fender bender some years ago and a couple months after I was served a subpoena for potential legal action against me; I forget the procedural ins and outs but the gist was they weren’t ready to take action but needed to serve me to keep the potential to sue “active” while they prepared a case.
The problem is Diablo IV was “fixed” long after its version 1 release; ideally the actual launch of Hades II will signify a completed game.
Since I don’t have a PC and do my gaming on consoles, I literally do have to wait.
everyone’s mileage is gonna vary, but I liked Toy Story 4; they went in some directions with questions about autonomy and purpose which I really enjoyed. And it’s hard to call a movie with a 9-year production process a cash grab, imo; they didn’t just rush it out for a quick payday.