
Maybe the idea is, venn-wise, anyone who wants to see a movie musical is a perfectly aligned circle with anyone who knows Wicked is a successful musical, so why try to attract fans of musicals whose ticket sales you have locked in? That said, it’s a bad idea, as anyone who would be turned off by the movie being a

ironic yearbook or k-mart style portrait poses were so de rigueur in the 00s that I wouldn’t necessarily lay the credit at the feet of one movie poster (especially when the photographer points directly to other contemporary advertisements as inspiration). 

I had to visit way too many disambiguating wikipedia articles for “nightwatch” for this article to assume simply saying “there’s a new Nightwatch” will garner “oh! The 1994 Danish thriller?” as a reaction.

Oh I was just teasing about your exhaustion with supernatural narratives; so much of the concept of fiction and storytelling hinges on cogitating on the impossible so I thought it was a funny thing to be sick of. That said I get it: mainstream film is very beholden to genre concerns at the moment.

*stares in myth, as a concept*

I consider the days it doesn’t work a blessing; there’s nothing on this site worth opening a second screen for.

you been watching the Critical Drinker too much

some people were kids when the prequels came out. no need to overthink it or tie it into an obsessive dislike of the disney movies.

I think it’s the fact that the article wants you to find the grimmest interpretation; if this was a western and she said “i realized I hadn’t seen anyone not wearing a hat and chaps in months” we wouldn’t assume she’s expressing a fucked-up feeling.

Cherry-picking the language of trauma out of interviews and presenting it out of context for clicks and knee-jerk reactions is not the win one should hail it as.

The entire body of the article is “mild quote followed by the most ungenerous interpretation possible.” So: boilerplate AVClub. 

“Everything is not a dog whistle”

Damn this diversity stuff really triggers you huh

Exactly. I tried to express this in another comment and maybe failed, but it’s pretty presumptive to assume the shooting is feud-related. I’ve been seeing a lot of chatter online about how rappers “used to have one another killed,” and beyond Tupac…where are the receipts on that? It’s nightly news style fearmongering.

The markers match those on a map indicating sex offenders. Lamar’s song doubles down on well-known rumors that Drake pursues/dates underage women, and the art corroborates that theme.

Ughhhhhh good job feeding a certain narrative about black culture AVClub. “We don’t have enough info but we sure are glad to stoke white fears of black violence.” Y’all oughta be ashamed already, but this is a new fucking low. Good job.

Tell us you don’t pay attention to contemporary rap without telling us you don’t pay attention to contemporary rap 

That’s because his solo output *is* pure rap; appearing as a feature on pop songs is age-old and has little to do with it.

Like most rap beefs, it’s not changing anyone’s mind and only improves the profile of both members.

…some sort of “Golden Age” of Hollywood? Or a “New Wave” of auteur directors working within the system to replicate the style of that time? I’m not saying it used to be a cake walk; I’m saying, with the near-disintegration of mid-budget filmmaking and focus on dominating the international market it’s harder now than