
It is the Housing Bubble all over again for Larry. Not surprised as coke does affect the judgement.

Yeah I don’t get this article at all.  Avenatti is uniquely brave and the voice we need in these dark, harsh times.  Men like him have always existed, but there are far fewer these days.  We need to support them wherever we find them.  He’s a god&damned hero honestly. 

Just encountered my first batch of whispering eggs last night in one of the more exotic systems. (finally got the other drive types onto my ship) It was a grey, dead, ringed world, with some largely dead cave systems, and dust clouds that looked like a giant Pig-Pen walked through. I actually find these dead worlds as

I just hope to god the dems take one of the houses of congress. then at least we can start subpoenaing Bannon etc

not knowing all the words, i suspect.

When future children are in history class and learning about the fall of the country formerly known as the United States, they will be completely dumbfounded as to how all of this was just allowed to happen with no consequences whatsoever. 

My Dad keeps saying Jesus will soon step in and punish these bastards.

oh don’t worry: it’s two girls doing the kissing.

What a surreal and slightly idiotic set of circumstances. I can’t identify with any part of this article, not the streamers, his viewers, his living situation, his apparent lack of adult coping skills to engage in other more conventional social activities during his suspension. These articles about Twitch, the

Literally fuck this guy in the ass with a broken beer bottle. This is the type of shit you shouldn’t be reporting on.

Thanks. This is a really nice comment that made me smile. I’m really grateful to Stephen for letting me have the extra time to really write something with a bit more detailed analysis.

Guys like him are the reason the rest of us can’t have nice things.

Well, this makes me feel better knowing that my nephews will be very happy someday...

This is true.

Destiny 2, the sequel to a video game in which you travel through space, wishing for Destiny 2.

You’re absolutely correct, Hamilton, journalists are not heroes. Everybody knows that it is the copy editors who are the true heroes.

Serious question: when you get booked as a guest talking head on one of these shows, do you get paid? Like appearance fees or some shit? Obviously Wemple has a real job, but I feel like for some people being a guest on these shows is basically their career. Tell me how the sausage is made.

“We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy”