When I met Sarah Shamoon, I asked her what she was up to this summer like I was a cool adult trying to make a teen…
When I met Sarah Shamoon, I asked her what she was up to this summer like I was a cool adult trying to make a teen…
When I was a teen, all I wanted was to not be one anymore. I was disturbingly shy, my body had lumps that I had not…
This month marks 70-year-old candy corn Donald Trump’s six-month mark in office, and for the occasion we decided to…
In the midst of an ongoing investigation into whether or not Russia attempted to influence the 2016 US election—an…
Earlier this week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into a law House Bill 3859, which allows religious (and tax-payer…
New Hampshire, the taint of New England, has accidentally done something hilarious. While attempting to pass a fetal…
Randy Bryce, a US Army veteran, union ironworker, activist, and cancer survivor, is running as a Democrat against…
I spend most of my time thinking about one of two frightening things: how I could have had more fun in college, and…
Hey guys, just here to brighten your fucking weekend, because we needed more good news about murderous,…
Thanks to the downing of a Russian Su-24 fighter, Russia is declaring war...on Turkish food imports. Because this is…
Look, sometimes you just have to rubble rubble, or at least the Australian equivalent.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
McDonald’s allegedly did a shitty thing? McDonald’s allegedly did a shitty thing!
Y’know. Just robbing a Dairy Queen with a sword. As one does.
In a ruling as unusual as it is heartening for wage advocates, a Papa John’s franchise owner has been sentenced to…
For 2016, Honda is adding more aggressive styling to its wonderful little do-it-all, the CB500F. It now gets LEDs…
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Sanitation is important in restaurants, where health code violations are frequently a problem. The dumbest possible…
It is physically impossible for me to love a story with that headline any more than I already do.
Oh, hey, look at that: according to a new study, Yelp reviews appear to have a tendency to be racist, as well as all…