Chris C.

Anyone who thinks Collin’s short sighted enough to make this tweet without realizing the implication, probably fall into the “humorless sacks of shit”or at least ignorant category. Collin has long been bothered by PC culture and I think he finally reached his tipping point and tweeted out something so clearly intended

You’re a twat.

I think some light RNG is fine for loot, I grew up with it in a lot of the RPG’s I played with the exception being the important stuff was always in the same place, there was no random chance that you might miss one of the best items in the game, but these where mostly singleplayer experiences where you do something

I wasn’t saying it’ll never get more games, it’s not a fucking Ouya, it’s short sited to believe I’m that ignorant. I’m saying for almost another year there isn’t really a reason for it to exist, Nintendo just wanted to get it out before all the big 2017 games start dropping and people actually started to think about

Nintendo def doesn’t care about what their competitors are doing, but that’s not the important factor here. This is seen by many as a make or break console for Nintendo, it could very well be it’s last and so far a lot of negativity has surrounded the switch with Nintendo doing little to quell people’s skepticism.

I’m a fan of this idea, I think it’s better than shoehorning in a multiplayer mode. CD Projekt Red did it with Witcher 3, give people a real reason to keep coming back to your game by adding content, which might also entice people that where on the fence to go out and get it.

I feel that, love that series. I preordered the first game as soon as it was announced, because I trusted Bioware and I love Baldur’s Gate II. I was in no way disappointed in the first game, but Bioware has really dropped the ball since then. 

Mafia III, I have loved that series for years and had been anticipating III since 2014. The game really tricks you in the beginning, it keeps introducing new characters, locations, and mechanics, it has a solid story, and every time you start to get bored it tends to give you something else to fill you’re time, but