
Yes! It should be a plot point or… something. Anything really. Kara has a life outside of being Supergirl and I'd want to see more of it again!
But maybe that's just not what CW superhero shows are about now. :(

On the whole the network switch was really rushed through. James' arc feels especially bad but the sudden disappearance of Cat was no less rushed. Also does Max Lord still exist?

I do agree with you that this episode feels over stuffed. Maybe this season too. One of the things that I've felt got lost this season is Kara living Kara's life. It feels like she's Supergirl almost all the time, give or take the odd scene with Snapper Carr. Her becoming a journalist feels like it should be a bigger

That's bullshit. The liar cares about the truth and attempts to hide it; the bullshitter doesn't care if what they say is true or false, but rather only cares whether or not their listener is persuaded. (See On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt).

Get your own.



Aww, I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends here.

Yeah, with Legends so many things are possible. It kinda conflicts with Flash but I don't care. When it works its crazy fun.


Yeah I think it was to exacerbate their anxieties and the time limit helped to add pressure to their argument. But they planned a last second obscure legal loophole that would get them out of actually leaving without solving their real issues.


This actually isn't true but makes for a great story so I'll allow it.

😨 What sorcery is this?


Jar Jar's toes? That would be hilarious! Especially watching him hop around making owwweee noises for three minutes. And at the end a bucket could fall on his head!


Obligatory comment that I couldn't be bothered to

wat is christmas lol