On TV broke people can still afford massive apartments, fine dinning, international jets and a modest Caribbean island. I don't think it'll matter much.
On TV broke people can still afford massive apartments, fine dinning, international jets and a modest Caribbean island. I don't think it'll matter much.
Yeah, you should read my reviews of books I haven't read. SO INSIGHTFUL!
Wait you don't watch the show? That kinda undermines any point you may have.
I wouldn't mind her being on team Flash if the writers didn't keep forgetting about her. And when they do use her its only to be captured or be in some doomed relationship.
For having been a Nazi basically. It's obvious that J'onn isn't thinking in the most rational way when it comes to the people that killed almost his entire race, including his wife and children.
Oh yes! It's more than time for a Maggie episode.
I kinda hope Maggie is what she seems, at least for the most part. Maybe she has secrets but I'd feel a bit cheated if they undermined the more complex relationship issues.
Yes! It felt like two Arrow vigilantes had wandered into Supergirl's universe. Actually, didn't we have almost this same storyline in Arrow recently? Rogue vigilante killing people, good vigilante sorts it out…
Wait, what sort of incestuous time travel shenanigans is this? I'd expect this from Zeus but not Jesus!
I thought that was your dad's job?
Obviously they're using futuristic weapons made to look like old weapons. ;)
There is a difficult tension with depicting the various -isms of the past while still being a fun romp. And as much as I love the CW superhero shows, I must admit that they often struggle with nuanced writing. So people explicitly stating their prejudices doesn't surprise me.
Oh, I only just got that! This is embarrassing.
Which makes me wonder how the writers are going to try to insert him back in to the team. Maybe Evil Lincoln is right and he'll not be a permanent? That could work.
Get a better laundry service.
Their personalities couldn't be more different! But I think that's what makes their interactions so good.
It does make me nervous for Rip's return. Sara has fit so effortlessly and unquestionably into leadership it's like she was always in charge. So what would Rip's role be?
Mixing up the character pairings really adds depth and variety to the show. I'm almost tempted to start ranking the pairings… ;)
I'm so bored I'm reading GJI articles. :(
I think only Barry could see Savitar.