
Seems like a stretch maybe.

Wait...the crash didn’t happen during filming. It happened afterwards , during routine tansportation. I don’t get how the production can be blamed for that...

Lawyer: “Cast a wide net you catch more fish”

Just going to ignore the fact it is totally scientifically impractical and dangerous?

I would have thought the simplest thing to do would be to re-run the raffle, this time under adult supervision. Now, everybody who bought tickets is STILL out the money. This was not a raffle, it was a scam. I doubt all the money from the sale went there, either.

I know nothing about children. (But I have heard that they’re even better than u-joint socket adapters at reaching Jeep XJ crankshaft position sensors).

David, I love you, but you obviously have not had any experience with kids. There’s no fucking way in hell that 4 kids with car seats will work in a Mazda 5. Three kids with car seats barely works in my Grand Caravan.

As the good Lord said, “be thy rich in seed, be’st poor in car”-Ford 2:50. Saddle up, ‘father’, you’ve got yourself a congregation to haul.

Sedona is awful. Reliability is questionable too.

Millennial here(i think? they like to change shit): i am quite fond of myself

This seems way better than leasing, if you don’t have to pony up several thousand dollars at the start. Most people I know who lease would be happy to pay x dollars a month and get a new car every 2 years. In fact, a girl I work with just ended a lease with a VW Tiguan, she went to the dealer, gave them several

I like that thing they did with the roof.

“At launch, the all-wheel drive T5 version will start at $35,200.”

  1. Will a Big Gulp fit in this car in any way?

I’m 6'3" and owned an S2000 for about 3 years, with nearly one year of that being daily driving use. In fact, I could even fit in it with a helmet on and the top up for track use. Now, it was a tight fit with that helmet, but nevertheless I fit.

Can we also call attention to this ding-dongs actually writing out “3 a.m. in the morning”?

Pfft, what are they gonna do - throw them in race track jail?

I was in an abusive relationship for a while. Mostly emotional/verbal. I wanted to go see my favorite band, who were playing in a town three hours away. My gf hated the band, but decided she had to go because ...I can’t remember. Did we get in a fight before the opening band had finished? Of course! So as she began

justin killed it in that one. bad example.

That right there is a poorly executed high five if I ever saw one.