
Suit yourself.

Get away kanye


Sounds like my kind of tribe

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I’d like to take this moment to shill my new erotic novel: Preggo by bieber’s Eggo

You must be new here.

Make that every other February 29th

Tom Cruise’s character in The Last Samurai was actually meant to be white

Slow news day?

Oh so it's ok for an elephant to do this but not me? Double standards are a bitch.

These are cool and all but I’ll always have a soft spot for the McFarlane figures. I LOVED them as a kid and had a ton. These ones look okay I guess.

But again... Why?

But again... Why?

Introducing the NRA’s Sentry-Gun guarded safe for your guns! Simply put your guns in the safe and put some guns on top of the safe and bam! Protected guns.

Man this guy grew up in my hometown. As our town is very liberal and generally agnostic, he is disowned from Davis.

I will often physically hold the seat in front of me to halt it from leaning back. Granted, being 6'5 my knees usually just do this for me.

Smooth-as-fuck Bill and Salty-as-fuck Hilary

I guess I kinda see a tire. Kinda.

We’re in 2016 and people still use retarded as a derogatory word?!?! Seriously guys let’s get it together.