
When you are in a an absurd racist apoplectic fit over brown people being in the country, logic and a humane concern for life tend not to be strong points

Priorities. Trump probably hinged Disaster Relief on enforcement.

*looks at property tax bill*

Level with me here. You star your own posts, right?

A very pleasurable wave of schadenfreude passed through me imagining that happening to Tucker.  

*laughs in Spanish*

You do realize that this story is about the United States Border Patrol, a federal agency, right?

You do realize that this story is about the United States Border Patrol, a federal agency, right?

You do realize that this story is about the United States Border Patrol, a federal agency, right?

I think you mean hes saying “Democrats should stop focusing on identity politics if they want to win.”

Look how well ‘kill someone at random’ laws are working in the Philippines!

Yeah, this was the firs thing I thought of:

Listen, Mexico needs to pay for this wall to protect us from the hurricane since it originated in their gulf.

When you’re in a “boarder zone”, the fed’s don’t need reasonable suspicion. It’s totally fucked.

The Supreme Court has held that Border Patrol checkpoints, where they stop all motorists (or a random limited set of motorists) and question all of them about their citizenship status, are constitutional at any point within 100 miles of an international border.

I know Texas recently legalized DWI checkpoints, but they have to at least have a reasonable suspicion to justify a Terry stop. It doesn’t matter if they’re stopping everyone heading down that road.

Everyone at the checkpoint is somewhere between encouraged and required to show ID.

Texas: Where stopping one illegal immigrant is worth risking hundreds of citizens lives.

Curious, how does one accomplish this without racial profiling?

Well thank goodness they cleared that up.