
I actually had (a tiny bit of) faith in americans right up until he announced his candidacy and wasn’t immediately laughed out of the room. Once that happened, and he got broadcast all over and was being taken seriously, I concluded that we were fucked.

Decades of work by rich propagandists and race baiters and lie peddlers, gerrymandering by politicians, foreign disruption by a brutal dictator...

I noticed and enjoyed watching Lawrence O’Donnell call out his lies.

You know, I heard like, 2 sentences of the guy’s speech and immediately thought he actually had been drinking or was on something. He was slurring. Did you notice that?

The DOJ investigation told everyone how dirty the Baltimore PD was and it was subsequently ignored by most major outlets.

Michael has a way of cutting through the shit doesn’t he.

Most Americans are dangerously stupid. Something like Trump was inevitable sooner or later.

Absolutely. When the people being oversighted have the power to disable or otherwise fudge that oversight, the system was created broken. Cops are the ones being monitored, and should have zero control over the cameras they should be required to wear and have active once they don the uniform. Every damned second

Next, he’ll claim that uniting the country against racism was his plan all along and that his behavior was “all part of the show”.

he cares more about cheers than the country’s economy.

Not half. Not by a long shot. More like a measly 22% of the electorate, last I recall.

I mean, I guess Trump is uniting people through our mutual loathing and disgust for him. So that’s nice.

Missing from these stories is how Trump said he’s very tempted to pull out of the NAFTA agreement, while in the very middle of negotiating a new NAFTA agreement. He basically gave both Canada and Mexico a giant middle finger in the middle of trade talks. It was obviously a stupid ploy to get the crowd excited that

I agree with Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin and Charles Krauthammer frequently. It’s fucking disturbing.

Marilyn Mosby needs to be called a hero. It seems to me that she suspected this was going on and now it’s been proven. But let’s be real, we have known this was going on. Look at Tulia TX.

When half the country support a man stupid enough to temporarily blind himself by looking at the sun.

What a time to be alive, amirite?

Does that matter?

Calling bullshit that the school didn’t know Howard is an HBCU - Howard is the HBCU.