
It’s from contracts law. Just means “thing of value” basically.

I have never understood what the heck the word “considerations” means in this context. And what does trading for cash mean? Isn’t it more accurate to say the Rockets purchased the contracts of these players? Somebody help me. I’m wondering if this is some kind of collective bargaining agreement legal language that

Can’t be anything to the allegations. Haven’t all the coaches been hired by fine upstanding Christian schools?

And for someone who has never lifted before, look for a coach. Deadlifts are great, but also easy to screw up with horrible form. 

Tip that worked for me personally: I added deadlifts to my workouts about a year ago. Went from having trouble putting on my socks in the morning from stiffness to feeling like a million bucks. I hadn’t heard they helped your back...just decided to add them to my routine and was really surprised.

My own personal experience has been that high intensity interval training shifts weight more than anything else. I had real trouble shifting a few stubborn pounds when I was spending 90 minutes a day in the "fat burning zone," as soon as I switched my workout to 20-30 mins of intervals, the weight just flew off. It

I've been a distance swimmer for the last 30+ years (10 mi / week)

I really loved this column. I wish you guys would do fat myths. It comes to mind from the line: "Remember, your weight isn't the end-all-be-all of your health. " and that's true. I'm far healthier than my skinnier counterparts [no diabetes/cholesterol problems/lung issues] but I do get that I need to lose some weight

It was actually based upon some scientific mumbo about the way in which your body burns fat during low intensity exercise. Also, a strenuous 30 minute workout is almost certainly better than a half-assed 3 hour workout, as recent research on interval training has proven. I see loads of extremely portly people in the

I am such a perfectionist that when I can't go on a Monday I write the week off.. because "it's only part of the week and I won't be able to quantify"

Very true! I actually gained three pounds over the past month, but I lost 1.5 inches on my waist. The scale isn't important. Lean muscle, body fat, and size measurements are the good measurements.

Myth #11: I'll start working out tomorrow.

All good suggestions already - I would also recommend Yoga. Hold a good plank position for 45 seconds and tell me that's not a workout. Check out the P90X Yoga - you'll be sweating at the end if you're doing it right :)

True that rowing involves a "push", but it is the overall impact (or lack there of) to your knees. While it is impossible to remove stress to the knee in any "push" action, your position during a row and where the force is coming from reduces the stress to them.

Huh?! Half of the action of a proper row is pushing with your legs, like a squat.

@jptooo Row or Bike. Preference on row.

My knee menisci are both shot, I can't run or squat - any suggestions?

I'm in my best shape when I do a 15-20 minute full body weight routine with dumbbells 3-4 times a week. I cobbled it together from a few different sources. Basically it's sets of 4-7 different exercises (squats, lunges, presses, curls, etc.) in a row with short breaks in between the 'blocks'. I also try to run or bike