
these videos just show strike calls, not strikeOUT calls....that last one was on a 3-0 count...this makes it much less cool

there’s no plate margin in Korea, so no, you don’t have a point; unfortunately plate tectonics can’t bail you out every time.

wait hold on, based on the animation above, what is causing the slow down, and subsequent traffic jam, is the inability of the red car (square) to maintain a good following distance. This would imply that tailgating is an attempt by the trailing car to maintain speed. I see this shit on the road all the time,

I have used this thing before in the backcountry and there are a few major flaws that kinda need to be ironed out before it will really work as both a stove and a charger.

I have used this thing before in the backcountry and there are a few major flaws that kinda need to be ironed out

That kid is not an infant!

what fan base?

This is where you aim from the outfield, not at the plate, but up the line a bit. Given the new catcher rules dictating where they can and cannot be when receiving a throw, and the time it takes to apply the tag, this is where you want to be. On a steal, a middle infielder doesn’t receive a throw from behind the bag,

The analogy that always rings true for me is that the A’s are to the White Sox, as the Giants are to the Cubs. The A’s have a small localized following of diehard fans, likely holdovers from when the A’s were good or new-comer ironic sports-hipsters priced out of SF and Giants tickets. The same is true for the White