
Wait till they see what happens when they bring it back in!

Duvall's wife was born in 1972, the same year The Godfather came out.


I knew a kid in high school whose parents lied about his age to him and the government so they could get him started in school a year earlier. He didn't discover until he was in college that he was actually a year younger than he believed he was his entire life. It was of messed up, but at least he got to drive and

Peyton Manning, "winner" and team player earning $19 million this year couldn't be reached for comment, as he was filming his 3,193rd tv commercial for Papa Johns.

I appreciate Greg standing up for his son, but maybe he should let his cousin Dave handle the spicy stuff.

Created an account just to write this.

Actually he was a dentist. Chelsea fans, having never seen one up close, were understandably frightened and confused.

Service from Terry usually involves someone's wife, but a nice cross nonetheless.

I wasn't popular in high school. This was long before the days I could walk up to a random chick and say, "You're with me, leather." I was just Chris Berman, painfully shy 17-year-old virgin. Well, as luck would have it, a girl transferred into our school mid-semester. I could tell she was desperate to be liked. And

"I said we want to make a great game, and I still stand by that."

Pete: I had to make that call, my hands were tied.

Danny Baranowsky is king.

A true loss, she was a pioneer for female sports reporters. Her hard work paved the way for Lesley Visser, Hannah Storm, and Bill Simmons.

God I loved that show growing up.

Does it really matter if it's a butt or a belly? When it comes to RGIII, no one is really expecting accuracy.

Chocolate milk is delicious and essentially just cold hot chocolate. I will drink it for the rest of my life.

But but but...