
Why just a boat? Maybe an inter-dimensional ship, and they actually land in Asgard or Xandar ;)

The whole plane can be flown remotely from a SHIELD base, why would a panel somewhere else in the plane be any different? I would guess that its not about flying the plane, but a command to jettison cargo will set the plane's computer to go to a pre-programmed altitude that can make a safe drop. I'm guessing they

The helicarrier is held up by rotors, thus the name "heli", as in helicopter. That can be powered by an electric motor run by nuclear energy. The thing about jet engines though is it needs a propellant. Nuclear energy is just basically a heat source to turn water to steam, and the steam is used to turn a turbine to

Agreed. Triplet is much better, especially he has his grandfather's stuff!

Fitz locked the doors, its futile for Ward to battle with Fitz trying to unlock the door, he can't beat Fitz using technology. So obviously the only other way is to get rid of the pod. Why is the plane flying low? I would suspect that technologically advanced planes would have safety features, like not opening

The bus was low on fuel when they were heading for Providence, and was refueled in that base.

The plane has stealth capabilities

Nuclear power doesn't propel a plane. A nuclear reactor can produce electricity to power things like subs and ships which use propellers. But it cannot power flights yet, unless perhaps its a propeller powered plane or helicopter. Given that the bus has been shown to have afterburners, it definitely has to run on

Dropping them into the ocean is killing them. I don't know why you think Ward is saving them. He doesn't know they have a communicator/locator. So either the drop kills them, or they eventually drown, or eventually starve to death.

Let me counter this with my favorite show with favorite ending, Chuck. Chuck was threatened with cancellation at the end of every season since the second. The writers have wrote series endings every season just in case they don't come back in the fall. Yet they were able to come up with a brilliant ending that was


It's not so much the end result, but how they got there. The way they told the narrative on how Ted ends up with Robin is what ruined this episode, and the entire series. There are better ways to get Ted and Robin back. What they did is the worst possible way.

I agree that this is the problem. I would have rather had a cliffhanger on Ted and Robin's relationship rather than a more definitive path of Ted going after Robin again. Plus the way the story zoomed its focus from Tracy to Robin felt cheap. It would have been better if there was even a rushed 2-5 minutes of a

It would have been great if the return to Robin has a better narrative, that it wasn't something pre-planned. The way it happened is that it seems Ted never really got over Robin, despite this past few episodes emphasizing that he did. Had they spent a few more minutes with a grieving Ted who re-establishes a